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Text File | 2005-10-25 | 194.9 KB | 4,027 lines
;============================================================================================== ; PSPad clip definition file for Free Pascal RTL library ; ; Autor: Andrzej Kowalski ; Last revision: 2005-10-25 ; File version: 1.0 ; ; Based on: ; ; Source: PSPad clip definition file for Object Pascal ; Autor: Borland Delphi 5 ; Last revision: 12-08-2001 ; ; Source: FreePascal documentation ; Autor: Michaδl Van Canneyt ; Last revision: 05-2005 ; ;============================================================================================== ; Comments ;============================================================================================== ; ; Unified color schemes: ; ; black - Free Pascal language statements ; gray - Free Pascal compiler directives ; navy - Free Pascal laguage definitions ; blue - Free Pascal library functions and procedures ; green - Free Pascal library classes ; purple - Free Pascal library types ; fuchsia - Free Pascal library variables ; red - Free Pascal library constants ; maroon - user defined constructions ; ; Units incorporated in this file: ; ; Pascal Language (including basic types, structured statements, ; definition statements and procedure modifiers) ; Pascal Compiler directives (with all possible switches) ; ; and (including types, constants, variables, classes, functions and procedures) ; ; Unit System ; Unit Sysutils ; Unit Dateutils ; Unit Math ; Unit Objpas ; Unit Strings ; Unit Strutils ; Unit Typinfo ; Unit Classes ; Unit Dynlibs ; ; ; Conventions: ; ; (type) - result type of function (in function description) ; (size: ) - size of variable of described type (in basic types description) ; {? } - function or procedure parameters description (in function description) ; type1|type2 - passed parameters can be of type1 or type2 ; Name:: - name of unit which contains definition of this statement ; optional - optional parameter of given function or procedure; it indicates ; overloaded variants of given function rather than parameter with predefined ; value ; ;============================================================================================== [Macro definition] %OF%=@E Of:, %FROM%=@E Bounds from:, %TO%=@E Bounds to:, %NAME%=@E Name:, %TNAME%=@E Parent class name:,,TObject, %COUNTER%=@E Counter name:,,i, %RESULT%=@C Result type:,,,Integer;String;Boolean, %PARAMS%=@E Parametres:, %compileralign%=@C Type:,,POWER,MAC68K;POWER;RESET, %compilerasmmode%=@C Type:,,INTEL,ATT;INTEL;DIRECT, %compileronoff%=@C State:,,ON,ON;OFF, %compilerfputype%=@C Type:,,X87,SOFT;X87;SSE;SSE2;SSE64;STANDARD;FPA;FPA10;FPA11;VFP;LIBGCC, %compilerinterfaces%=@C Type:,,DEFAULT,DEFAULT;COM;CORBA, %compilerinclude%=@C Type:,,DATE,FPCTARGET;FPCTARGETCPU;FPCTARGETOS;DATE;TIME;FILE;LINE, %compilerfpuregisters%=@C Number:,,DEFAULT,NORMAL;DEFAULT;0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7, %compileroutput%=@C Type:,,MASM,AS;AS_OUT;ASW;COFF;NASM;MASM;NASMCOFF;NASMELF;PECOFF;TASM, %compilerpackenum%=@C Number:,,DEFAULT,NORMAL;DEFAULT;1;2;4, %compilerz%=@C Number:,,4,1;2;4, %compilerpackrecords%=@C Number:,,DEFAULT,NORMAL;DEFAULT;1;2;4;16;C, %compilerapptype%=@C Type:,,GUI,CONSOLE;FS;GUI;TOOL, %compilercalling%=@C Number:,,STDCALL,CDECL;CPPDECL;FPCCALL;FAR16;INLINE;PASCAL;REGISTER;SAFECALL;STDCALL;SOFTFLOAT, %compilermode%=@C Type:,,OBJPAS,DEFAULT;DELPHI;OBJFPC;TP;GPC;FPC;MACPAS, ;============================================================================================== ; Pascal language ;============================================================================================== [array |n array declaration (var)] array[%From%..%To%] of %Of%; | [classf |n class declaration (all parts)] %Name% = class(%TName%) private | protected public published end; ; [classd |n class declaration (no parts)] %Name% = class(%TName%) | end; ; [classc |n class declaration (with Create/Destroy overrides)] %Name% = class(%TName%) private | protected public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; published end; ; [function |n function declaration] function %Name%(%Params%): %Result%; begin | end; ; [procedure |n procedure declaration] procedure %Name%(%Params%); begin | end; ; [record |n record declaration] º = record | end; [recordv |n record declaration with variant part] º = record case (|) of end; [unit |n unit definition template] unit º; interface uses { List of units goes here } { Interface section goes here } implementation uses { List of units goes here } { Implementation section goes here } initialization { Initialization section goes here } finalization { Finalization section goes here } end. [program |n program definition template] program º; uses { List of used units goes here } const { List of constants goes here } type { List of types goes here } var { List of variables goes here } begin | end. [operator |n operator definition] operator | (arg1 : type1; arg2 : type2) result : type3; begin º end; [var |n variables declaration section] var º|; [type |n types declaration section] type º|; [const |n constant declaration section] const º|; [uses |n declare used units] uses º|; [case | case statement (with else)] case | of |d ; |d ; else ; end; [fors | for (no begin/end)] for %Cunter% := %From% to %To% do º| [forb | for statement] º for %Cunter% := %From% to %To% do begin º| end; º [ifs | if (no begin/end)] if | then º [ifb | if statement] if | then begin º end; ; [ife | if then (no begin/end) else (no begin/end)] if | then º else ; [ifeb | if then else] if | then begin º end else begin end; ; [trye | try except] try º| except end; ; [tryf | try finally] try º| finally end; ; [trycf | try finally (with Create/Free)] %Name% := %TName%.Create; try | finally %Name%.Free; end; ; [whileb | while statement] while | do begin º end; ; [whiles | while (no begin)] while (|) do ; [withb | with statement] with (|) do begin º end; ; [withs | with (no begin)] with | do º ; [begin | begin ... end compound statement] begin º| end; [repeat | repeat ... until loop statement] repeat º until (|); [byte |p ordinal type 0 .. 255 (size 1 byte)] º : byte; [shortint |p ordinal type -127 .. 127 (size 1 byte)] º : shortint; [smallint |p ordinal type -32768 .. 32767 (size 2 bytes)] º : smallint; [word |p ordinal type 0 .. 65535 (size 2 bytes)] º : word; [integer |p ordinal type either smallint, longint or int64 (size 2,4,8 bytes)] º : integer; [cardinal |p ordinal type either word, longword or qword (size 2,4,8 bytes)] º : cardinal; [longint |p ordinal type -2147483648 .. 2147483647 (size 4 bytes)] º : longint; [longword |p ordinal type 0..4294967295 (size 4 bytes)] º : longword; [int64 |p ordinal type -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 (size 8 bytes)] º : int64; [qword |p ordinal type 0 .. 18446744073709551615 (size 8 bytes)] º : qword; [boolean |p FALSE = 0 TRUE = 1 (size 1 byte)] º : boolean; [bytebool |p FALSE = 0 TRUE = any nonzero value (size 1 byte)] º : bytebool; [wordbool |p FALSE = 0 TRUE = any nonzero value (size 2 bytes)] º : wordbool; [longbool |p FALSE = 0 TRUE = any nonzero value (size 4 bytes)] º : longbool; [real |p real type platform dependant (size 4,8 bytes)] º : real; [single |p real type 1.5E-45 .. 3.4E38 digits: 7-8 (size 4 bytes)] º : single; [double |p real type 5.0E-324 .. 1.7E308 digits 15-16 (size 8 bytes)] º : double; [extended |p real type 1.9E-4951 .. 1.1E4932 digits 19-20 (size 10 bytes)] º : extended; [comp |p real type -2E64+1 .. 2E63-1 digits 19-20 (size 8 bytes)] º : comp; [char |p character type the simpliest one (size 1 byte)] º : char; [widechar |p character type contains unicode character (size 2 bytes)] º : widechar; [string |p character type either shortstring or ansistring] º : string; [stringl |p character type shortstring] º : string[|]; [widestring |p character type == array of widechar] º : widestring; [ansistring |p character type == array of char] º : ansistring; [shortstring |p character type == string(255)] º : shortstring; [PChar |p character type null terminated string] º : PChar; [variant |p variant type compatible with ordinal (enumerated), boolean, real, character variables and interfaces (COM objects)] º : variant; [pointer |p generic pointer type] º : pointer; [pointerv |p variable pointer type] º |d ^|; [set |p set type of ordinal type] º : set of |; [file |p file type of no type] º : file; [filet |p file type of any type] º : file of |; [text | file type of char] º : text; [;alias |d alias case sensitive name of procedure] º; alias : '|'; [;cdecl |d declare a function that uses a C type calling convention] º; cdecl; external name '|'; [;export |d used to export names when creating a shared library] º; export; | [;external |d used with cdecl to indicate function that resides in external object file library, can use also name or index parameters] º; external '|' name '|'; [;inline |d procedures are copied to the places where they are called] º; inline; | [;interrupt |d routine which will be used as an interrupt handler] º; interrupt; | [;pascal |d procedure using standard pascal calling covention (passing parameters from left to right)] º; pascal; | [;popstack |d like cdecl but with popstack functions can be called by their pascal names in a library] º; popstack; | [;public |d defines function globally in a unit making it accessible form object file and not accessible from units] º; public; | [;saveregisters |d saves registers on procedure entry, and restores them when the procedure exits] º; saveregisters; | [;safecall |d like stdcall but also saves and restores all registers.] º; safecall; | [;softfloat |d used in ARM architecture] º; softfloat; | [;stdcall |d pushes the parameters from right to left on the stack, it also aligns all the parameters to a default alignment] º; stdcall; | [;varargs |d used only with cdecl and indicates procedure using variable number of arguments] º; vargs; | [;register |d three first aruments are passed into registers EAX,ECX and EDX (DELPHI compatibility)] º; registers; | [$A |d Align data ($MACPAS mode only)] {$A %compileralign%} | [$ALIGN |d Align data same as $A ($MACPAS mode only)] {$ALIGN %compileralign%} | [$ASMMODE |d Assembler mode (Intel 80x86 only)] {$ASMMODE %compilerasmmode%} | [$B |d Complete boolean evaluation (TP compatibility)] {$B+} | [$BOOLEVAL |d Complete boolean evaluation same as $B (TP compatibility)] {$BOOLEVAL %compileronoff%} | [$ASSERTIONS |d Assertion support same as $C] {$ASSERTIONS %compileronoff%} | [$C |d Assertion support] {$C+} | [$CHECKPOINTER |d Check pointer values] {$CHECKPOINTER %compileronoff%} | [$DEFINE |d Define a symbol] {$DEFINE |} [$ELSE |d Switch conditional compilation] {$ELSE} | [$ELSEC |d Switch conditional compilation like $ELSE ($MACPAS mode only)] {$ELSEC} | [$ENDC |d End conditional compilation like $ENDIF ($MACPAS mode only)] {$ENDC} | [$ENDIF |d End conditional compilation] {$ENDIF} | [$ERROR |d Generate error message] {$ERROR |} [$F |d Far or near functions (TP compatibility)] {$F+} | [$FATAL |d Generate fatal error message] {$FATAL |} [$FPUTYPE |d Select coprocessor type (depends on processor type)] {$FPUTYPE %compilerfputype%} | [$GOTO |d Support Goto and Label statements] {$GOTO %compileronoff%} | [$LONGSTRINGS |d Use Strings as AnsiStrings same as $H] {$LONGSTRINGS %compileronoff%} | [$H |d Use Strings as AnsiStrings] {H+} | [$HINT |d Generate hint message] {$HINT |} [$HINTS |d Emit hints] {$HINTS %compileronoff%} | [$IF |d Start conditional compilation depending on 'expression'] {$IF |} [$IFC : Start conditional compilation like $IF ($MACPAS mode only)] {$IFC |} [$IFDEF |d Start conditional compilation depending on 'name' is defined] {$IFDEF |} [$IFNDEF |d Start conditional compilation depending on 'name' is not defined] {$IFNDEF |} [$IFOPT |d Start conditional compilation depending on 'compilator switch' state] {$IFOPT |} [$IMPLICITEXCEPTIONS |d Do not generate finalization code] {$IMPLICITEXCEPTIONS %compileronoff%} | [$INFO |d Generate info message] {$INFO |} [$INLINE |d Allow inline code procedures] {$INLINE %compileronoff%} [$INTERFACES |d Specify Interface type.] {$INTERFACES %compilerinterfaces%} [$I |d Input/Output checking] {$I+} | [$IOCHECKS |d Input/Output checking same as $I] {$IOCHECKS %compileronoff%} | [$INCLUDE |d Include file] {$INCLUDE |} [$INCLUDE info |d Include compiler info] {$INCLUDE %%compilerinclude%%} | [$I386_XXX |d Specify assembler format (Intel 80x86 only) {$I386_%compilerasmmode%} | [$L |d Link object file] {$L |} [$LINK |d Link object file] {$LINK |} [$LINKLIB |d Link to a library] {$LINKLIB |} [$M |d Generate type info] {$M+} | [$TYPEINFO |d Generate type info same as $M] {$TYPEINFO %compileronoff%} | [$MACROS |d Allow use of macros.] {$MACROS %compileronoff%} | [$MAXFPUREGISTERS |d Maximum number of FPU registers for variables] {$MAXFPUREGISTERS %compilerfpuregisters%} | [$MESSAGE |d Generate info message] {$MESSAGE |} [$MMX |d Intel MMX support (Intel 80x86 only)] {$MMX+} | [$NOTE |d Generate note message] {$NOTE |} [$NOTES |d Emit notes] {$NOTES %compileronoff%} | [$OUTPUT_FORMAT |d Specify the output format] {$OUTPUT_FORMAT %compileroutput%} | [$P |d Use open strings] {$P+} | [$OPENSTRINGS |d Use open strings same as $P] {$OPENSTRINGS %compileronoff%} | [$PACKENUM |d Minimum enumeration type size] {$PACKENUM %compilerpackenum%} | [$MINENUMSIZE |d Minimum enumeration type size (DELPHI compatibility)] {$MINENUMSIZE %compilerpackenum%} | [$Z |d Minimum enumeration type size (DELPHI compatibility)] {$Z%compilerz%} | [$PACKRECORDS |d Alignment of record elements] {$PACKRECORDS %compilerpackrecords%} [$Q |d Overflow checking] {$Q+} | [$OVERFLOWCHECKS |d Overflow checking same as $Q] {$OVERFLOWCHECKS %compileronoff%} | [$R |d Range checking] {$R+} | [$RANGECHECKS |d Range checking same as $R] {$RANGECHECKS %compileronoff%} | [$SATURATION |d Saturation operations (Intel 80x86 only)] {$SATURATION %compileronoff%} | [$SETC |d Define and assign a value to a symbol ($MACPAS mode only)] {$SETC º := |} | [$STATIC |d Allow use of Static keyword] {$STATIC %compileronoff%} [$STOP |d Generate fatal error message] {$STOP |} [$T |d Typed address operator (@)] {$T+} | [$TYPEDADDRESS |d Typed address operator (@) same as $T] {$TYPEDADDRESS %compileronoff%} | [$UNDEF |d Undefine a symbol] {$UNDEF |} [$V |d Var-string checking] {$V+} | [$VARSTRINGCHECKS |d Var-string checking same as $V] {$VARSTRINGCHECKS %compileronoff%} | [$WAIT |d Wait for enter key press] {$WAIT} | [$WARNING |d Generate warning message] {$WARNING |} [$WARNINGS |d Emit warnings] {$WARNINGS %compileronoff%} | [$X |d Extended syntax] {$X+} | [$EXTENDEDSYNTAX |d Extended syntax] {$EXTENDEDSYNTAX %compileronoff%} | [$APPID |d Specify application ID (used on Palm os only)] {$APPID |} [$APPNAME |d Specify application name (used on Palm os only)] {$APPNAME |} [$APPTYPE |d Specify type of application.] {$APPTYPE %compilerapptype%} | [$CALLING |d Default calling convention] {$CALLING %compilercalling} | [$COPYRIGHT specify copyright info] {$COPYRIGHT |} [$D |d Debugging symbols] {$D+} | [$DEBUGINFO |d Debugging symbols same as $D] {$DEBUGINFO %compileronoff%} | [$DESCRIPTION |d Application description] {$DESCRIPTION |} [$E |d Emulation of coprocessor] {$E+} | [$G |d Generate 80286 code (TP compatibility)] {$G+} | [$INCLUDEPATH |d Specify include path.] {$INCLUDEPATH |} [$L |d Local symbol information (TP compatibility)] {$L+} | [$LOCALSYMBOLS |d Local symbol information same as $L (TP compatibility)] {$LOCALSYMBOLS %compileronoff%} | [$LIBRARYPATH |d Specify library path.] {$LIBRARYPATH |} [$M |d Memory sizes: StackSize,HeapSize] {$M |} [$MEMORY |d Memory sizes: StackSize,HeapSize] {$MEMORY |} [$MODE |d Set compiler compatibility mode] {$MODE %compilermode%} | [$N |d Numeric processing (TP compatibility)] {$N+} | [$O |d Overlay code generation (TP compatibility)] {$O+} | [$OBJECTPATH |d Specify object path.] {$OBJECTPATH |} [$PROFILE |d Profiling] {$PROFILE %compileronoff%} | [$S |d Stack checking] {$S+} | [$SMARTLINK |d Use smartlinking] {$SMARTLINK %compileronoff%} | [$THREADNAME |d Set thread name in Netware] {$THREADNAME |} [$THREADING |d Allow use of threads (TP compatibility)] {$THREADING %compileronoff%} | [$UNITPATH |d Specify unit path.] {$UNITPATH |} [$VERSION |d Specify DLL version (at least 1, no more than 3 numbers).] {$VERSION |} [$W |d Generate stackframes] {$W+} | [$STACKFRAMES |d Generate stackframes same as $W] {$STACKFRAMES %compileronoff%} | [$Y |d Insert Browser information (DELPHI compatibility)] {$Y+} | [$REFERENCEINFO |d Insert Browser information same as $Y (DELPHI compatibility)] {$REFERENCEINFO %compileronoff%} | ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: Sysutils ;============================================================================================== [Abort |b Sysutils:: Abort program execution.] Abort [AddDisk |b Sysutils:: Add a disk to the list of known disks (Unix only)] AddDisk(º|) {? const path: String} [AddTerminateProc |b Sysutils:: Add a procedure to the exit chain.] AddTerminateProc(º|) {? TermProc: TTerminateProc} [AdjustLineBreaks |b Sysutils:: Convert possible line-endings to the currently valid line ending (String).] AdjustLineBreaks(º|,) {? const S: String; optional Style: TTextLineBreakStyle} [AnsiCompareFileName |b Sysutils:: Compare 2 filenames (SizeInt).] AnsiCompareFileName(º|,) {? const S1: String; const S2: String} [AnsiCompareStr |b Sysutils:: Compare 2 ansistrings, case sensitive, ignoring accents characters (Integer).] AnsiCompareStr(º|,) {? const S1: String; const S2: String} [AnsiCompareText |b Sysutils:: Compare 2 ansistrings, case insensitive, ignoring accents characters (Integer).] AnsiCompareText(º|,) {? const S1: String; const S2: String} [AnsiExtractQuotedStr |b Sysutils:: Removes the first quoted string from a string (String).] AnsiExtractQuotedStr(º|,) {? var Src: PChar; Quote: Char} [AnsiLastChar |b Sysutils:: Return a pointer to the last character of a string (PChar).] AnsiLastChar(º|) {? const S: String} [AnsiLowerCase |b Sysutils:: Return a lowercase version of a string (String).] AnsiLowerCase(º|) {? const s: String} [AnsiLowerCaseFileName |b Sysutils:: Convert filename to lowercase (String).] AnsiLowerCaseFileName(º|) {? const s: String} [AnsiPos |b Sysutils:: Return Position of one ansistring in another (SizeInt).] AnsiPos(º|,) {? const substr: String; const s: String} [AnsiQuotedStr |b Sysutils:: Return a quoted version of a string (String).] AnsiQuotedStr(º|,) {? const S: String; Quote: Char} [AnsiSameStr |b Sysutils:: Checks whether 2 strings are the same (case sensitive) (Boolean)] AnsiSameStr(º|,) {? const s1: String; const s2: String} [AnsiSameText |b Sysutils:: Checks whether 2 strings are the same (case insensitive) (Boolean)] AnsiSameText(º|,) {? const s1: String; const s2: String} [AnsiStrComp |b Sysutils:: Compare two null-terminated strings. Case sensitive (Integer).] AnsiStrComp(º|,) {? S1: PChar; S2: PChar} [AnsiStrIComp |b Sysutils:: Compare two null-terminated strings. Case insensitive (Integer).] AnsiStrIComp(º|,) {? S1: PChar; S2: PChar} [AnsiStrLastChar |b Sysutils:: Return a pointer to the last character of a string (PChar).] AnsiStrLastChar(º|) {? Str: PChar} [AnsiStrLComp |b Sysutils:: Compare a limited number of characters of 2 strings (Integer)] AnsiStrLComp(º|,,) {? S1: PChar; S2: PChar;M axLen: cardinal} [AnsiStrLIComp |b Sysutils:: Compares a given number of characters of a string, case insensitive (Integer).] AnsiStrLIComp(º|,,) {? S1: PChar; S2: PChar; MaxLen: cardinal} [AnsiStrLower |b Sysutils:: Convert a null-terminated string to all-lowercase characters (PChar).] AnsiStrLower(º|) {? Str: PChar} [AnsiStrPos |b Sysutils:: Return position of one null-terminated substring in another (PChar)] AnsiStrPos(º|,) {? str: PChar; substr: PChar} [AnsiStrRScan |b Sysutils:: Find last occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string (PChar).] AnsiStrRScan(º|,) {? Str: PChar; Chr: Char} [AnsiStrScan |b Sysutils:: Find first occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string (PChar).] AnsiStrScan(º|,) {? Str: PChar; Chr: Char} [AnsiStrUpper |b Sysutils:: Convert a null-terminated string to all-uppercase characters (PChar).] AnsiStrUpper(º|) {? Str: PChar} [AnsiUpperCase |b Sysutils:: Return an uppercase version of a string, taking into account special characters (String).] AnsiUpperCase(º|) {? const s: String} [AnsiUpperCaseFileName |b Sysutils:: Convert filename to uppercase (String).] AnsiUpperCaseFileName(º|) {? const s: String} [AppendStr |b Sysutils:: Append one ansistring to another.] AppendStr(º|,) {? var Dest: String; const S: String} [ApplicationName |b Sysutils:: Return a default application name (String)] ApplicationName [AssignStr |b Sysutils:: Assigns an ansistring to a null-terminated string.] AssignStr(º|,) {? var P: PString; const S: String} [BCDToInt |b Sysutils:: Convert a BCD coded integer to a normal integer (Integer).] BCDToInt(º|) {? Value: Integer} [Beep |b Sysutils:: Sound the system bell.] Beep [BoolToStr |b Sysutils:: Convert a boolean value to a string (String).] BoolToStr(º|) {? B: Boolean} [ByteToCharIndex |b Sysutils:: Convert a character index in Bytes to an Index in characters (Integer)] ByteToCharIndex(º|,) {? const S: String; Index: Integer} [ByteToCharLen |b Sysutils:: Convert a length in bytes to a length in characters (Integer).] ByteToCharLen(º|,) {? const S: String; MaxLen: Integer} [ByteType |b Sysutils:: Return the type of byte in an ansistring for a multi-byte character set (TMbcsByteType)] ByteType(º|,) {? const S: String; Index: Integer} [CallTerminateProcs |b Sysutils:: Call the exit chain procedures (Boolean).] CallTerminateProcs [ChangeFileExt |b Sysutils:: Change the extension of a filename (String).] ChangeFileExt(º|,) {? const FileName: String; const Extension: String} [CharToByteLen |b Sysutils:: Convert a length in characters to a length in bytes (Integer).] CharToByteLen(º|,) {? const S: String; MaxLen: Integer} [CompareMem |b Sysutils:: Compare two memory areas (Boolean).] CompareMem(º|,) {? P1: Pointer; P2: Pointer; Length: cardinal} [CompareMemRange |b Sysutils:: Compare 2 memory locations (Integer)] CompareMemRange(º|,) {? P1: Pointer; P2: Pointer; Length: cardinal} [CompareStr |b Sysutils:: Compare 2 ansistrings case-sensitively, ignoring special characters (Integer).] CompareStr(º|,) {? const S1: String; const S2: String} [CompareText |b Sysutils:: Compare 2 ansistrings case insensitive (Integer).] CompareText(º|,) {? const S1: String; const S2: String} [CreateDir |b Sysutils:: Create a new directory (Boolean)] CreateDir(º|) {? const NewDir: String} [CurrToStr |b Sysutils:: Convert a currency value to a string (String).] CurrToStr(º|) {? Value: Currency} [Date |b Sysutils:: Return the current date (TDateTime).] Date [DateTimeToFileDate |b Sysutils:: Convert a TDateTime value to a file age (LongInt)] DateTimeToFileDate(º|) {? DateTime: TDateTime} [DateTimeToStr |b Sysutils:: Converts a TDateTime value to a string using a predefined format (String).] DateTimeToStr(º|) {? DateTime: TDateTime} [DateTimeToString |b Sysutils:: Converts a TDateTime value to a string with a given format.] DateTimeToString(º|,,) {? var Result: String; const FormatStr: String; const DateTime: TDateTime} [DateTimeToSystemTime |b Sysutils:: Converts a TDateTime value to a systemtime structure.] DateTimeToSystemTime(º|,) {? DateTime: TDateTime; var SystemTime: TSystemTime} [DateTimeToTimeStamp |b Sysutils:: Converts a TDateTime value to a TimeStamp structure (TTimeStamp).] DateTimeToTimeStamp(º|) {? DateTime: TDateTime} [DateToStr |b Sysutils:: Converts a TDateTime value to a date string with a predefined format (String).] DateToStr(º|) {? Date: TDateTime} [DayOfWeek |b Sysutils:: Returns the day of the week (Integer).] DayOfWeek(º|) {? DateTime: TDateTime} [DecodeDate |b Sysutils:: Decode a TDateTime to a year,month,day triplet] DecodeDate(º|,,,) {? Date: TDateTime; var Year: Word; var Month: Word; var Day: Word} [DecodeDateFully |b Sysutils:: Decode a date with additional date of the week (Boolean).] DecodeDateFully(º|,,,,) {? const DateTime: TDateTime; var Year: Word; var Month: Word; var Day: Word; var DOW: Word} [DecodeTime |b Sysutils:: Decode a TDateTime to a hour,minute,second,millisec quartet] DecodeTime(º|,,,,) {? Time: TDateTime; var Hour: Word; var Minute: Word; var Second: Word; var MilliSecond: Word} [DeleteFile |b Sysutils:: Delete a file from the filesystem (Boolean).] DeleteFile(º|) {? const FileName: String} [DirectoryExists |b Sysutils:: Check whether a directory exists in the file system (Boolean).] DirectoryExists(º|) {? const Directory: String} [DiskFree |b Sysutils:: Return the amount of free diskspace (Int64)] DiskFree(º|) {? drive: Byte} [DiskSize |b Sysutils:: Return the total amount of diskspace (Int64).] DiskSize(º|) {? drive: Byte} [DisposeStr |b Sysutils:: Dispose an ansistring from the heap.] DisposeStr(º|) {? S: PString} [DoDirSeparators |b Sysutils:: Convert known directory separators to the current directory separator.] DoDirSeparators(º|) {? var FileName: String} [EncodeDate |b Sysutils:: Encode a Year,Month,Day to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] EncodeDate(º|,,) {? Year: Word; Month: Word; Day: Word} [EncodeTime |b Sysutils:: Encode a Hour,Min,Sec,millisec to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] EncodeTime(º|,,,) {? Hour: Word; Minute: Word; Second: Word; MilliSecond: Word} [ExceptAddr |b Sysutils:: Current exception address (Pointer).] ExceptAddr [ExceptionErrorMessage |b Sysutils:: Return a message describing the exception (Integer).] ExceptionErrorMessage(º|,,,) {? ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer; Buffer: PChar; Size: Integer} [ExceptObject |b Sysutils:: Current Exception object (TObject).] ExceptObject [ExcludeTrailingBackslash |b Sysutils:: Strip trailing directory separator from a pathname, if needed (String).] ExcludeTrailingBackslash(º|) {? const Path: String} [ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter |b Sysutils:: Strip trailing directory separator from a pathname, if needed (String).] ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(º|) {? const Path: String} [ExecuteProcess |b Sysutils:: Execute another process (program) (Integer).] ExecuteProcess(º|,) {? const Path: AnsiString; const ComLine: AnsiString| Array[] of AnsiString} [ExpandFileName |b Sysutils:: Expand a relative filename to an absolute filename (String).] ExpandFileName(º|) {? const FileName: String} [ExpandUNCFileName |b Sysutils:: Expand a relative filename to an absolute UNC filename (String).] ExpandUNCFileName(º|) {? const FileName: String} [ExtractFileDir |b Sysutils:: Extract the directory part of a filename (String).] ExtractFileDir(º|) {? const FileName: String} [ExtractFileDrive |b Sysutils:: Extract the drive part from a filename (String).] ExtractFileDrive(º|) {? const FileName: String} [ExtractFileExt |b Sysutils:: Return the extension from a filename (String).] ExtractFileExt(º|) {? const FileName: String} [ExtractFileName |b Sysutils:: Extract the filename part from a full path filename (String).] ExtractFileName(º|) {? const FileName: String} [ExtractFilePath |b Sysutils:: Extract the path from a filename (String).] ExtractFilePath(º|) {? const FileName: String} [ExtractRelativepath |b Sysutils:: Extract a relative path from a filename, given a base directory (String).] ExtractRelativepath(º|,) {? const BaseName: String; const DestNAme: String} [FileAge |b Sysutils:: Return the timestamp of a file (LongInt).] FileAge(º|) {? const FileName: String} [FileClose |b Sysutils:: Close a file handle.] FileClose(º|) {? Handle: LongInt} [FileCreate |b Sysutils:: Create a new file and return a handle to it (LongInt).] FileCreate(º|,) {? const FileName: String; optional Mode: Integer} [FileDateToDateTime |b Sysutils:: Convert a FileDate value to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] FileDateToDateTime(º|) {? Filedate: LongInt} [FileExists |b Sysutils:: Check whether a file exists in the filesystem (Boolean).] FileExists(º|) {? const FileName: String} [FileGetAttr |b Sysutils:: Return attributes of a file (LongInt).] FileGetAttr(º|) {? const FileName: String} [FileGetDate |b Sysutils:: Return the file time of an opened file (LongInt).] FileGetDate(º|) {? Handle: LongInt} [FileIsReadOnly |b Sysutils:: Check whether a file is read-only (Boolean).] FileIsReadOnly(º|) {? const FileName: String} [FileOpen |b Sysutils:: Open an existing file and return a filehandle (LongInt)] FileOpen(º|,) {? const FileName: String; Mode: Integer} [FileRead |b Sysutils:: Read data from a filehandle in a buffer (LongInt).] FileRead(º|,,) {? Handle: LongInt; var Buffer; Count: LongInt} [FileSearch |b Sysutils:: Search for a file in a path.] FileSearch(º|,) {? const Name: String; const DirList: String} [FileSeek |b Sysutils:: Set the current file position on a file handle (LongInt|Int64).] FileSeek(º|,,) {? Handle: LongInt; FOffset: LongInt|Int64; Origin: LongInt|Int64} [FileSetAttr |b Sysutils:: Set the attributes of a file (LongInt).] FileSetAttr(º|,) {? const Filename: String; Attr: LongInt} [FileSetDate |b Sysutils:: Set the date of a file (LongInt).] FileSetDate(º|,) {? Handle: LongInt; Age: LongInt} [FileTruncate |b Sysutils:: Truncate an open file to a given size (Boolean).] FileTruncate(º|,) {? Handle: LongInt; Size: LongInt} [FileWrite |b Sysutils:: Write data from a buffer to a given filehandle (LongInt).] FileWrite(º|,) {? Handle: LongInt; const Buffer;Count: LongInt} [FindClose |b Sysutils:: Close a find handle] FindClose(º|) {? var F: TSearchRec} [FindCmdLineSwitch |b Sysutils:: Check whether a certain switch is present on the command-line (Boolean).] FindCmdLineSwitch(º|,) {? const Switch: String; optional const Chars: TSysCharSet; optional IgnoreCase: Boolean} [FindFirst |b Sysutils:: Start a file search and return a findhandle (LongInt)] FindFirst(º|,,) {? const Path: String; Attr: LongInt; var Rslt: TSearchRec} [FindNext |b Sysutils:: Find the next entry in a findhandle (LongInt).] FindNext(º|) {? var Rslt: TSearchRec} [FloattoCurr |b Sysutils:: Convert a float to a Currency value (Currency).] FloattoCurr(º|) {? const Value: Extended} [FloatToDateTime |b Sysutils:: Convert a float to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] FloatToDateTime(º|) {? const Value: Extended} [FloatToDecimal |b Sysutils:: Convert a float value to a TFloatRec value.] FloatToDecimal(º|,,,) {? var Result: TFloatRec; Value: Extended; Precision: Integer; Decimals: Integer} [FloatToStr |b Sysutils:: Convert a float value to a string using a fixed format (String).] FloatToStr(º|) {? Value: Extended} [FloatToStrF |b Sysutils:: Convert a float value to a string using a given format (String).] FloatToStrF(º|,,,) {? Value: Extended; format: TFloatFormat; Precision: Integer; Digits: Integer} [FloatToText |b Sysutils:: Return a string representation of a float, with a given format (LongInt).] FloatToText(º|,,,,) {? Buffer: PChar; Value: Extended; format: TFloatFormat; Precision: Integer; Digits: Integer} [FloatToTextFmt |b Sysutils:: Convert a float value to a string using a given mask (Integer).] FloatToTextFmt(º|,,) {? Buffer: PChar; Value: Extended; format: PChar} [FmtStr |b Sysutils:: Format a string with given arguments.] FmtStr(º|,,) {? var Res: String; const Fmt: String; const args: Array[] of const} [ForceDirectories |b Sysutils:: Create a chain of directories (Boolean)] ForceDirectories(º|) {? const Dir: String} [Format |b Sysutils:: Format a string with given arguments (String).] Format(cº|,) {? onst Fmt: String; const Args: Array[] of const} [FormatBuf |b Sysutils:: Format a string with given arguments and store the result in a buffer (Cardinal).] FormatBuf(º|,,,) {? var Buffer; BufLen: Cardinal; const Fmt; fmtLen: Cardinal; const Args: Array[] of const} [FormatCurr |b Sysutils:: Format a currency (String)] FormatCurr(º|,) {? const Format: String; Value: Currency} [FormatDateTime |b Sysutils:: Return a string representation of a TDateTime value with a given format (String).] FormatDateTime(º|,) {? FormatStr: String; DateTime: TDateTime} [FormatFloat |b Sysutils:: Format a float according to a certain mask (String).] FormatFloat(º|,) {? const Format: String; Value: Extended} [FreeAndNil |b Sysutils:: Free object if needed, and set object reference to Nil] FreeAndNil(º|) {? var obj} [GetAppConfigDir |b Sysutils:: Return the appropriate directory for the application's configuration files (String).] GetAppConfigDir(º|) {? Global: Boolean} [GetAppConfigFile |b Sysutils:: Return an appropriate name for an application configuration file (String).] GetAppConfigFile(º|,) {? Global: Boolean; optional SubDir: Boolean} [GetCurrentDir |b Sysutils:: Return the current working directory of the application (String).] GetCurrentDir [GetDirs |b Sysutils:: Return a list of directory names from a path (LongInt).] GetDirs(º|,) {? var DirName: String; var Dirs: Array[] of pchar} [GetEnvironmentString |b Sysutils:: Return an environment variable by index (String).] GetEnvironmentString(º|) {? Index: Integer} [GetEnvironmentVariable |b Sysutils:: Return the value of an environment variable (String).] GetEnvironmentVariable(º|) {? const EnvVar: String} [GetEnvironmentVariableCount |b Sysutils:: Return the number of variables in the environment.] GetEnvironmentVariableCount [GetFileHandle |b Sysutils:: Extract OS handle from an untyped file or text file (LongInt).] GetFileHandle(º|) {? var f: File|Text} [GetLastOSError |b Sysutils:: Return the last code from the OS (Integer).] GetLastOSError [GetLocalTime |b Sysutils:: Get the local time.] GetLocalTime(º|) {? var SystemTime: TSystemTime} [GetTempDir |b Sysutils:: Return name of system's temporary directory (String)] GetTempDir(º|) {? optional Global: Boolean} [GetTempFileName |b Sysutils:: Return the name of a temporary file (String).] GetTempFileName(º|,) {? optional const Dir: String; optional const Prefix: String} [IncludeTrailingBackslash |b Sysutils:: Add trailing directory separator to a pathname, if needed (String).] IncludeTrailingBackslash(º|) {? const Path: String} [IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter |b Sysutils:: Add trailing directory separator to a pathname, if needed (String).] IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(º|) {? const Path: String} [IncMonth |b Sysutils:: Increases the month in a TDateTime value with a given amount (TDateTime).] IncMonth(º|,) {? const DateTime: TDateTime; NumberOfMonths: Integer} [InterLockedDecrement |b Sysutils:: Thread-safe integer decrement (LongInt)] InterLockedDecrement(º|) {? var Target: LongInt} [InterLockedExchange |b Sysutils:: Thread-safe exchange of 2 values (LongInt).] InterLockedExchange(º|,) {? var Target: LongInt; Source: LongInt} [InterLockedExchangeAdd |b Sysutils:: Thread-safe exchange of 2 values (LongInt)] InterLockedExchangeAdd(º|,) {? var Target: LongInt; Source: LongInt} [InterLockedIncrement |b Sysutils:: Thread-safe integer increment (LongInt).] InterLockedIncrement(º|) {? var Target: LongInt} [IntToHex |b Sysutils:: Convert an integer value to a hexadecimal string (String).] IntToHex(º|,) {? Value: Integer|Int64; Digits: Integer} [IntToStr |b Sysutils:: Convert an integer value to a decimal string (String).] IntToStr(º|) {? Value: Integer|Int64|QWord} [IsDelimiter |b Sysutils:: Check whether a given string is a delimiter character (Boolean).] IsDelimiter(º|,,) {? const Delimiters: String; const S: String; Index: Integer} [IsLeapYear |b Sysutils:: Determine whether a year is a leap year (Boolean).] IsLeapYear(º|) {? Year: Word} [IsPathDelimiter |b Sysutils:: Is the character at the given position a pathdelimiter (Boolean)] IsPathDelimiter(º|,) {? const Path: String; Index: Integer} [IsValidIdent |b Sysutils:: Check whether a string is a valid identifier name (Boolean).] IsValidIdent(º|) {? const Ident: String} [LastDelimiter |b Sysutils:: Return the last occurrence of a set of delimiters in a string (Integer).] LastDelimiter(º|,) {? const Delimiters: String; const S: String} [LeftStr |b Sysutils:: Return a number of characters starting at the left of a string (String).] LeftStr(º|,) {? const S: String; Count: Integer} [LoadStr |b Sysutils:: Load a string from the resource tables (String).] LoadStr(º|) {? Ident: Integer} [LowerCase |b Sysutils:: Return a lowercase version of a string (String).] LowerCase(º|) {? const s: String} [MSecsToTimeStamp |b Sysutils:: Convert a number of milliseconds to a TDateTime value (TTimeStamp).] MSecsToTimeStamp(º|) {? MSecs: Comp} [NewStr |b Sysutils:: Allocate a new ansistring on the heap (PString).] NewStr(º|) {? const S: String} [Now |b Sysutils:: Returns the current date and time (TDateTime).] Now [OutOfMemoryError |b Sysutils:: Raise an EOutOfMemory exception] OutOfMemoryError [QuotedStr |b Sysutils:: Return a quotes version of a string (String).] QuotedStr(const S: String} [RaiseLastOSError |b Sysutils:: Raise an exception with the last Operating System error code.] RaiseLastOSError [RemoveDir |b Sysutils:: Remove a directory from the filesystem (Boolean).] RemoveDir(º|) {? const Dir: String} [RenameFile |b Sysutils:: Rename a file (Boolean).] RenameFile(º|,) {? const OldName: String; const NewName: String} [RightStr |b Sysutils:: Return a number of characters from a string, starting at the end (String).] RightStr(º|,) {? const S: String; Count: Integer} [SameFileName |b Sysutils:: Are two filenames referring to the same file (Boolean)] SameFileName(º|,) {? const S1: String; const S2: String} [SameText |b Sysutils:: Checks whether 2 strings are the same (case insensitive) (Boolean)] SameText(º|,) {? const s1: String; const s2: String} [SetCurrentDir |b Sysutils:: Set the current directory of the application (Boolean).] SetCurrentDir(º|) {? const NewDir: String} [SetDirSeparators |b Sysutils:: Set the directory separators to the known directory separators (String).] SetDirSeparators(º|) {? const FileName: String} [ShowException |b Sysutils:: Show the current exception to the user.] ShowException(º|,) {? ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer} [Sleep |b Sysutils:: Suspend execution of a program for a certain time.] Sleep(º|) {? milliseconds: Cardinal} [StrAlloc |b Sysutils:: Allocate a null-terminated string on the heap (PChar).] StrAlloc(º|) {? Size: cardinal} [StrBufSize |b Sysutils:: Return the size of a null-terminated string allocated on the heap (SizeUInt).] StrBufSize(º|) {? Str: PChar} [StrByteType |b Sysutils:: Return the type of byte in a null-terminated string for a multi-byte character set (TMbcsByteType)] StrByteType(º|,) {? Str: PChar; Index: Cardinal} [StrCat |b Sysutils:: Concatenate 2 null-terminated strings (PChar).] StrCat(º|,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar} [StrCharLength |b Sysutils:: Return the length of a null-terminated string in characters (Integer).] StrCharLength(º|) {? const Str: PChar} [StrComp |b Sysutils:: Compare 2 null-terminated strings, case sensitive (SizeInt).] StrComp(º|,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar} [StrCopy |b Sysutils:: Copy a null-terminated string (PChar)] StrCopy(º|,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar} [StrDispose |b Sysutils:: Dispose of a null-terminated string on the heap.] StrDispose(º|) {? Str: PChar} [StrECopy |b Sysutils:: Copy a null-terminated string, return a pointer to the end (PChar).] StrECopy(º|,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar} [StrEnd |b Sysutils:: Return a pointer to the end of a null-terminated string (PChar)] StrEnd(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrFmt |b Sysutils:: Format a string with given arguments, store the result in a buffer (PChar).] StrFmt(º|,) {? Buffer: PChar; Fmt: PChar; const args: Array[] of const} [StriComp |b Sysutils:: Compare 2 null-terminated strings, case insensitive (SizeInt).] StrIComp(º|,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar} [StringReplace |b Sysutils:: Replace occurrences of one substring with another in a string (String).] StringReplace(º|,,,) {? const S: String; const OldPattern: String; const NewPattern: String; Flags: TReplaceFlags} [StrLCat |b Sysutils:: Concatenate 2 null-terminated strings, with length boundary (PChar).] StrLCat(º|,,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar; l: SizeInt} [StrLComp |b Sysutils:: Compare limited number of characters of 2 null-terminated strings (SizeInt)] StrLComp(º|,,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar; l: SizeInt} [StrLCopy |b Sysutils:: Copy a null-terminated string, limited in length (PChar).] StrLCopy(º|,,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar; maxlen: SizeInt} [StrLen |b Sysutils:: Length of a null-terminated string (SizeInt).] StrLen(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrLFmt |b Sysutils:: Format a string with given arguments, but with limited length (PChar).] StrLFmt(º|,,,) {? Buffer: PCHar; Maxlen: Cardinal; Fmt: PChar; const args: Array[] of const} [StrLiComp |b Sysutils:: Compare limited number of characters in 2 null-terminated strings, ignoring case (SizeInt).] StrLiComp(º|,,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar; l: SizeInt} [StrLower |b Sysutils:: Convert null-terminated string to all-lowercase (PChar).] StrLower(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrMove |b Sysutils:: Move a null-terminated string to new location (PChar).] StrMove(º|,,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar; l: SizeInt} [StrNew |b Sysutils:: Allocate room for new null-terminated string (PChar).] StrNew(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrPas |b Sysutils:: Convert a null-terminated string to an ansistring (String).] StrPas(º|) {? Str: PChar} [StrPCopy |b Sysutils:: Copy an ansistring to a null-terminated string (PChar).] StrPCopy(º|,) {? Dest: PChar; Source: String} [StrPLCopy |b Sysutils:: Copy a limited number of characters from an ansistring to a null-terminated string (PChar).] StrPLCopy(º|,,) {? Dest: PChar; Source: String; MaxLen: SizeUInt} [StrPos |b Sysutils:: Find position of one null-terminated substring in another (PChar).] StrPos(º|,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar} [StrRScan |b Sysutils:: Find last occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string (PChar).] StrRScan(º|,) {? p: pchar; c: Char} [StrScan |b Sysutils:: Find first occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string (PChar).] StrScan(º|,) {? p: pchar; c: Char} [StrToBool |b Sysutils:: Convert a string to a boolean value (Boolean)] StrToBool(º|) {? const S: String} [StrToCurr |b Sysutils:: Convert a string to a currency value (Currency)] StrToCurr(º|) {? const S: String} [StrToCurrDef |b Sysutils:: Convert a string to a currency value, using a default value (Currency)] StrToCurrDef(º|,) {? const S: String; Default: Currency} [StrToDate |b Sysutils:: Convert a date string to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] StrToDate(º|) {? const S: String} [StrToDateTime |b Sysutils:: Convert a date/time string to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] StrToDateTime(º|) {? const S: String} [StrToFloat |b Sysutils:: Convert a string to a floating-point value (Extended).] StrToFloat(º|) {? const S: String} [StrToFloatDef |b Sysutils:: Convert a string to a float, with a default value (TDateTime).] StrToFloatDef(º|,) {? const S: String; const Default: Extended} [StrToInt |b Sysutils:: Convert a string to an integer value (Integer).] StrToInt(º|) {? const s: String} [StrToInt64 |b Sysutils:: Convert a string to an Int64 value (Int64).] StrToInt64(º|) {? const s: String} [StrToInt64Def |b Sysutils:: Convert a string to an Int64 value, with a default value (Int64)] StrToInt64Def(º|,) {? const S: String; Default: Int64} [StrToIntDef |b Sysutils:: Convert a string to an integer value, with a default value (Integer).] StrToIntDef(º|,) {? const S: String; Default: Integer} [StrToTime |b Sysutils:: Convert a time string to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] StrToTime(º|) {? const S: String} [StrUpper |b Sysutils:: Convert null-terminated string to all-uppercase (PChar)] StrUpper(º|) {? p: pchar} [SysErrorMessage |b Sysutils:: Format a system error message (String).] SysErrorMessage(º|) {? ErrorCode: Integer} [SystemTimeToDateTime |b Sysutils:: Convert a system time to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] SystemTimeToDateTime(º|) {? const SystemTime: TSystemTime} [TextToFloat |b Sysutils:: Convert a buffer to a float value (Boolean).] TextToFloat(º|,,) {? Buffer: PChar; var Value: Extended|TAmorph; optional ValueType: TFloatValue} [Time |b Sysutils:: Returns the current time (TDateTime).] Time [TimeStampToDateTime |b Sysutils:: Convert a TimeStamp value to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] TimeStampToDateTime(º|) {? const TimeStamp: TTimeStamp} [TimeStampToMSecs |b Sysutils:: Converts a timestamp to a number of milliseconds (Comp).] TimeStampToMSecs(º|) {? const TimeStamp: TTimeStamp} [TimeToStr |b Sysutils:: Convert a TDateTime time to a string using a predefined format (String).] TimeToStr(º|) {? Time: TDateTime} [Trim |b Sysutils:: Trim whitespace from the ends of a string (String).] Trim(º|) {? const S: String} [TrimLeft |b Sysutils:: Trim whitespace from the beginning of a string (String).] TrimLeft(º|) {? const S: String} [TrimRight |b Sysutils:: Trim whitespace from the end of a string (String).] TrimRight(º|) {? const S: String} [TryEncodeDate |b Sysutils:: Try to encode a date, and indicate success (Boolean).] TryEncodeDate(º|,,,) {? Year: Word; Month: Word; Day: Word; var Date: TDateTime} [TryEncodeTime |b Sysutils:: Try to encode a time, and indicate success (Boolean).] TryEncodeTime(º|,,,,) {? Hour: Word; Min: Word; Sec: Word; MSec: Word; var Time: TDateTime} [TryFloatToCurr |b Sysutils:: Try to convert a float value to a currency value and report on success (Boolean).] TryFloatToCurr(º|,) {? const Value: Extended; var AResult: Currency} [TryStrToCurr |b Sysutils:: Try to convert a string to a currency (Boolean)] TryStrToCurr(º|,) {? const S: String; var Value: Currency} [TryStrToFloat |b Sysutils:: Try to convert a string to a float (Boolean).] TryStrToFloat(º|,) {? const S: String; var Value: Single|Double} [TryStrToInt |b Sysutils:: Try to convert a string to an integer, and report on success (Bool).] TryStrToInt(º|,) {? const s: String; var i: Integer} [TryStrToInt64 |b Sysutils:: Try to convert a string to an int64 value, and report on success (Boolean).] TryStrToInt64(º|,) {? const s: String; var i: Int64} [UpperCase |b Sysutils:: Return an uppercase version of a string (String).] UpperCase(º|) {? const s: String} [WideCompareStr |b Sysutils:: Compare two widestrings (case sensitive) (PtrInit)] WideCompareStr(º|,) {? const s1: WideString; const s2: WideString} [WideCompareText |b Sysutils:: Compare two widestrings (ignoring case) (PtrInit).] WideCompareText(º|,) {? const s1: WideString; const s2: WideString} [WideFmtStr |b Sysutils:: Widestring format] WideFmtStr(º|,,) {? var Res: WideString; const Fmt: WideString; const args: Array[] of const} [WideFormat |b Sysutils:: Format a wide string (WideString).] WideFormat(º|,) {? const Fmt: WideString; const Args: Array[] of const} [WideFormatBuf |b Sysutils:: Format widestring in a buffer (Cardinal).] WideFormatBuf(º|,,,,) {? var Buffer; BufLen: Cardinal; const Fmt; fmtLen: Cardinal; const Args: Array[] of const} [WideLowerCase |b Sysutils:: Change a widestring to all-lowercase (Widestring).] WideLowerCase(º|) {? const s: WideString} [WideSameStr |b Sysutils:: Check whether two widestrings are the same (case sensitive) (Boolean)] WideSameStr(º|,) {? const s1: WideString; const s2: WideString} [WideSameText |b Sysutils:: Check whether two widestrings are the same (ignoring case) (Boolean)] WideSameText(º|,) {? const s1: WideString; const s2: WideString} [WideUpperCase |b Sysutils:: Change a widestring to all-lowercase (WideString).] WideUpperCase(º|) {? const s: WideString} [WrapText |b Sysutils:: Word-wrap a text (String).] WrapText(º|,,,) {? const Line: String; optional const BreakStr: String; optional const BreakChars: TSysCharSet; MaxCol: Integer} [EAbort |g Sysutils:: Abort error.] EAbort [EAbstractError |g Sysutils:: Abstract error.] EAbstractError [EAccessViolation |g Sysutils:: Access Violation error] EAccessViolation [EAssertionFailed |g Sysutils:: Assertion failed error.] EAssertionFailed [EControlC |g Sysutils:: Control-C (abort) was pressed on the console.] EControlC [EConvertError |g Sysutils:: Conversion error.] EConvertError [EDivByZero |g Sysutils:: Division by zero error.] EDivByZero [EExternal |g Sysutils:: External Exception.] EExternal [EExternalException |g Sysutils:: External exception] EExternalException [EHeapMemoryError |g Sysutils:: Heap memory error] EHeapMemoryError [EInOutError |g Sysutils:: Input/Output error] EInOutError [EInterror |g Sysutils:: Integer operation error.] EInterror [EIntfCastError |g Sysutils:: Invalid interface cast error.] EIntfCastError [EIntOverflow |g Sysutils:: Integer overflow error.] EIntOverflow [EInvalidCast |g Sysutils:: Invalid typecast error.] EInvalidCast [EInvalidContainer |g Sysutils:: Invalid container error.] EInvalidContainer [EInvalidInsert |g Sysutils:: Invalid insert error.] EInvalidInsert [EInvalidOp |g Sysutils:: Invalid operation.] EInvalidOp [EInvalidPointer |g Sysutils:: Invalid pointer operation] EInvalidPointer [EMathError |g Sysutils:: Mathematical error] EMathError [ENoThreadSupport |g Sysutils:: No Thread support error.] ENoThreadSupport [EOSError |g Sysutils:: Operating system error.] EOSError [EOutOfMemory |g Sysutils:: Out of memory error.] EOutOfMemory [EOverflow |g Sysutils:: Float overflow error.] EOverflow [EPackageError |g Sysutils:: Package error.] EPackageError [EPrivilege |g Sysutils:: Privileged instruction error.] EPrivilege [EPropReadOnly |g Sysutils:: Read-only property error.] EPropReadOnly [EPropWriteOnly |g Sysutils:: Write-only property error.] EPropWriteOnly [ERangeError |g Sysutils:: Range check error.] ERangeError [ESafecallException |g Sysutils:: SafeCall exception.] ESafecallException [EStackOverflow |g Sysutils:: Stack overflow error.] EStackOverflow [EUnderflow |g Sysutils:: Float underflow error] EUnderflow [EVariantError |g Sysutils:: Variant error.] EVariantError [Exception |g Sysutils:: Base class of all exceptions.] Exception [EZeroDivide |g Sysutils:: Division by zero error.] EZeroDivide [LowerCaseTable |f Sysutils:: Table for conversion of characters to lowercase.] LowerCaseTable [OnGetApplicationName |f Sysutils:: Callback to get a customized application name.] OnGetApplicationName [OnGetTempDir |f Sysutils:: Handler for GetTempDir function.] OnGetTempDir [OnGetTempFile |f Sysutils:: Handler for GetTempFileName function.] OnGetTempFile [OnShowException |f Sysutils:: Callback to show unhandled exceptions.] OnShowException [SysLocale |f Sysutils:: Variable with locale information] SysLocale [UpperCaseTable |f Sysutils:: Table for conversion of characters to uppercase.] UpperCaseTable [ConfigExtension |r Sysutils:: Default application configuration file extension.] ConfigExtension [CurrencyDecimals |r Sysutils:: Number of decimals in currency amounts.] CurrencyDecimals [CurrencyFormat |r Sysutils:: Format string for currencies.] CurrencyFormat [CurrencyString |r Sysutils:: Name of currency.] CurrencyString [DateDelta |r Sysutils:: Days between 1/1/0001 and 12/31/1899] DateDelta [DateSeparator |r Sysutils:: Date separator character (subject to locale).] DateSeparator [DecimalSeparator |r Sysutils:: Decimal point separator.] DecimalSeparator [DefaultTextLineBreakStyle |r Sysutils:: Default line break style for the current platform.] DefaultTextLineBreakStyle [DirSeparators |r Sysutils:: Characters that are known directory separators.] DirSeparators [DriveDelim |r Sysutils:: Drive letter delimiter] DriveDelim [EmptyStr |r Sysutils:: Empty String Constant] EmptyStr [EmptyWideStr |r Sysutils:: Empty wide string.] EmptyWideStr [faAnyFile |r Sysutils:: Match any file] faAnyFile [faArchive |r Sysutils:: Archive bit is set] faArchive [faDirectory |r Sysutils:: File is a directory] faDirectory [faHidden |r Sysutils:: Hidden file.] faHidden [faReadOnly |r Sysutils:: Read-Only file.] faReadOnly [faSysFile |r Sysutils:: System file (Dos/Windows only)] faSysFile [faVolumeId |r Sysutils:: Volume id (Dos/Windows only)] faVolumeId [FileRecNameLength |r Sysutils:: Length of filerec filename field.] FileRecNameLength [fmOpenRead |r Sysutils:: Open file in read-only mode] fmOpenRead [fmOpenReadWrite |r Sysutils:: Open file in read/write mode.] fmOpenReadWrite [fmOpenWrite |r Sysutils:: Open file in write-only mode] fmOpenWrite [fmShareCompat |r Sysutils:: Open file in DOS share-compatibility mode] fmShareCompat [fmShareDenyNone |r Sysutils:: Do not lock file.] fmShareDenyNone [fmShareDenyRead |r Sysutils:: Lock file so other processes cannot read.] fmShareDenyRead [fmShareDenyWrite |r Sysutils:: Lock file so other processes can only read.] fmShareDenyWrite [fmShareExclusive |r Sysutils:: Lock file for exclusive use] fmShareExclusive [fsFromBeginning |r Sysutils:: Start seek operation from beginning of file.] fsFromBeginning [fsFromCurrent |r Sysutils:: Start seek operation from current position in file.] fsFromCurrent [fsFromEnd |r Sysutils:: Start seek operation from end of file.] fsFromEnd [HexDisplayPrefix |r Sysutils:: String to prepend to hexadecimal values] HexDisplayPrefix [HoursPerDay |r Sysutils:: Number of hours in a day.] HoursPerDay [LeadBytes |r Sysutils:: Lead bytes in Multi-Byte character sets] LeadBytes [LongDateFormat |r Sysutils:: Long date format string (subject to locale).] LongDateFormat [LongDayNames |r Sysutils:: Full names of days.] LongDayNames [LongMonthNames |r Sysutils:: Full names of months.] LongMonthNames [LongTimeFormat |r Sysutils:: Long time format string (subject to locale)] LongTimeFormat [MaxCurrency |r Sysutils:: Maximum currency value] MaxCurrency [MaxDateTime |r Sysutils:: Maximum TDateTime value.] MaxDateTime [Max_Path |r Sysutils:: ] Max_Path [MinCurrency |r Sysutils:: Minimum Currency value] MinCurrency [MinDateTime |r Sysutils:: Minimum TDateTime value.] MinDateTime [MinsPerDay |r Sysutils:: Number of minutes per day.] MinsPerDay [MinsPerHour |r Sysutils:: Number of minutes per hour.] MinsPerHour [MonthDays |r Sysutils:: Array with number of days in the months for leap and non-leap years.] MonthDays [MSecsPerDay |r Sysutils:: Number of milliseconds per day] MSecsPerDay [MSecsPerSec |r Sysutils:: Number of milliseconds per second] MSecsPerSec [NegCurrFormat |r Sysutils:: Format string for negative currencies.] NegCurrFormat [NullStr |r Sysutils:: Pointer to an empty string] NullStr [PathDelim |r Sysutils:: Path (directory) delimiter.] PathDelim [PathSep |r Sysutils:: Path separator. (Separates paths in search path lists)] PathSep [SecsPerDay |r Sysutils:: Number of seconds per day] SecsPerDay [SecsPerMin |r Sysutils:: Number of seconds per minute] SecsPerMin [ShortDateFormat |r Sysutils:: Short Date Format string (subject to locale).] ShortDateFormat [ShortDayNames |r Sysutils:: Names of days, abbreviated form.] ShortDayNames [ShortMonthNames |r Sysutils:: Names of months, abbreviated form.] ShortMonthNames [ShortTimeFormat |r Sysutils:: Short time format string (subject to locale).] ShortTimeFormat [SwitchChars |r Sysutils:: Characters which start a command-line switch] SwitchChars [SysConfigDir |r Sysutils:: System configuration directory.] SysConfigDir [TextRecBufSize |r Sysutils:: Buffer size of text file record.] TextRecBufSize [TextRecNameLength |r Sysutils:: Length of text file record filename field ] TextRecNameLength [ThousandSeparator |r Sysutils:: Thousand grouping character.] ThousandSeparator [TimeAMString |r Sysutils:: AM indicator string.] TimeAMString [TimePMString |r Sysutils:: PM indicator string.] TimePMString [TimeSeparator |r Sysutils:: Time separator character.] TimeSeparator [TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow |r Sysutils:: Window to determine what century 2 digit years are in.] TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow [UnixDateDelta |r Sysutils:: Number of days between 1.1.1900 and 1.1.1970] UnixDateDelta [EHeapException |p Sysutils:: Heap exception] EHeapException [ExceptClass |p Sysutils:: Exception Class reference] ExceptClass [FileRec |p Sysutils:: Record describing an untyped file.] FileRec [Int64Rec |p Sysutils:: Record describing an Int64 value] Int64Rec [LongRec |p Sysutils:: Record describing a longint value] LongRec [PByteArray |p Sysutils:: Pointer to an array of byte.] PByteArray [PDayTable |p Sysutils:: Pointer to TDayTable type.] PDayTable [PString |p Sysutils:: Pointer to a ansistring] PString [PWordarray |p Sysutils:: Pointer to an array of word.] PWordarray [TByteArray |p Sysutils:: Array of bytes] TByteArray [TCaseTranslationTable |p Sysutils:: Type for case conversion tables.] TCaseTranslationTable [TDayTable |p Sysutils:: Array of day names.] TDayTable [TextBuf |p Sysutils:: Text record buffer array type] TextBuf [TextRec |p Sysutils:: Record describing a text file type] TextRec [TFilename |p Sysutils:: Filename type] TFilename [TFileRec |p Sysutils:: Record describing an untyped file.] TFileRec [TFloatFormat |p Sysutils:: Formats for the FloatToText function.] TFloatFormat [TFloatRec |p Sysutils:: Record descriing a float value] TFloatRec [TFloatValue |p Sysutils:: Type of float to return in the buffer for TextToFloat.] TFloatValue [TGetAppNameEvent |p Sysutils:: Callback type to get customized application name.] TGetAppNameEvent [TGetTempDirEvent |p Sysutils:: Function prototype for OnGetTempDir handler.] TGetTempDirEvent [TGetTempFileEvent |p Sysutils:: Function prototype for OnGetTempFile handler.] TGetTempFileEvent [THandle |p Sysutils:: File Handle type.] THandle [TIntegerSet |p Sysutils:: Set with size of integer.] TIntegerSet [TLineEndStr |p Sysutils:: End-of-line string] TLineEndStr [TMbcsByteType |p Sysutils:: Type of multi-byte character set.] TMbcsByteType [TProcedure |p Sysutils:: Procedural type] TProcedure [TReplaceFlags |p Sysutils:: Flags for StringReplace function] TReplaceFlags [TSearchRec |p Sysutils:: Record describing a search handle or result ] TSearchRec [TSysCharSet |p Sysutils:: Set of characters.] TSysCharSet [TSysLocale |p Sysutils:: Type describing the current locale] TSysLocale [TSystemTime |p Sysutils:: System time structure] TSystemTime [TTerminateProc |p Sysutils:: Terminate procedure procedural variable.] TTerminateProc [TTextLineBreakStyle |p Sysutils:: Line break style] TTextLineBreakStyle [TTextRec |p Sysutils:: Record describing a text file.] TTextRec [TTimeStamp |p Sysutils:: TimeStamp structure] TTimeStamp [TWordArray |p Sysutils:: ] TWordArray [WordRec |p Sysutils:: Record describing a word value.] WordRec ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: System ;============================================================================================== [AbstractErrorProc |r System:: Custom abstract error handling procedure] AbstractErrorProc [AssertErrorProc |r System:: Custom assert error handling procedure] AssertErrorProc [BackTraceStrFunc |r System:: Standard backtrace formatting routine] BackTraceStrFunc [CmdLine |r System:: Current command-line.] CmdLine [CtrlZMarksEOF |r System:: Determine whether CTRL-Z marks the end of file.] CtrlZMarksEOF [DefaultStackSize |r System:: Default size for a new thread's stack (32k by default).] DefaultStackSize [DefaultTextLineBreakStyle |r System:: Default line ending style.] DefaultTextLineBreakStyle [DirectorySeparator |r System:: Character used to separate directory parts.] DirectorySeparator [DriveSeparator |r System:: Character used to separate directory parts.] DriveSeparator [Erroraddr |r System:: Address where the last error occurred.] Erroraddr [Errorcode |r System:: Last error code.] Errorcode [ErrorProc |r System:: Custom error handling procedure.] ErrorProc [ExceptProc |r System:: Current exception handling procedure.] ExceptProc [ExitProc |r System:: Exit procedure pointer.] ExitProc [E_NOINTERFACE |r System:: Interface call result: Error: not an interface] E_NOINTERFACE [E_NOTIMPL |r System:: Interface call result: Interface not implemented] E_NOTIMPL [E_UNEXPECTED |r System:: Interface call result: Unexpected error] E_UNEXPECTED [Filemode |r System:: Default file mode for untyped files.] Filemode [FileNameCaseSensitive |r System:: OS treatment of filenames is case sensitive.] FileNameCaseSensitive [fmAppend |r System:: File mode: File is open for writing, appending to the end.] fmAppend [fmClosed |r System:: File mode: File is closed.] fmClosed [fmInOut |r System:: File mode: File is open for reading and writing.] fmInOut [fmInput |r System:: File mode: File is open for reading.] fmInput [fmOutput |r System:: File mode: File is open for writing.] fmOutput [fpc_in_abs_real |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: abs (real) ] fpc_in_abs_real [fpc_in_addr_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: addr ] fpc_in_addr_x [fpc_in_arctan_real |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: arctan (real) ] fpc_in_arctan_real [fpc_in_assert_x_y |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: assert ] fpc_in_assert_x_y [fpc_in_assigned_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: assigned ] fpc_in_assigned_x [fpc_in_break |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: break ] fpc_in_break [fpc_in_chr_byte |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: chr] fpc_in_chr_byte [fpc_in_concat_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: concat ] fpc_in_concat_x [fpc_in_const_abs |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: abs ] fpc_in_const_abs [fpc_in_const_arctan |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: arctan ] fpc_in_const_arctan [fpc_in_const_cos |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: cos ] fpc_in_const_cos [fpc_in_const_exp |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: exp ] fpc_in_const_exp [fpc_in_const_frac |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: frac ] fpc_in_const_frac [fpc_in_const_int |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: int ] fpc_in_const_int [fpc_in_const_ln |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: in ] fpc_in_const_ln [fpc_in_const_odd |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: sqr ] fpc_in_const_odd [fpc_in_const_pi |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: pi ] fpc_in_const_pi [fpc_in_const_ptr |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: sqr ] fpc_in_const_ptr [fpc_in_const_round |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: round ] fpc_in_const_round [fpc_in_const_sin |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: sin ] fpc_in_const_sin [fpc_in_const_sqr |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: sqr ] fpc_in_const_sqr [fpc_in_const_sqrt |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: sqrt ] fpc_in_const_sqrt [fpc_in_const_swap_long |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: swap (long) ] fpc_in_const_swap_long [fpc_in_const_swap_qword |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: swap (qword) ] fpc_in_const_swap_qword [fpc_in_const_swap_word |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: swap (word) ] fpc_in_const_swap_word [fpc_in_const_trunc |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: trunc ] fpc_in_const_trunc [fpc_in_continue |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: continue ] fpc_in_continue [fpc_in_copy_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: copy ] fpc_in_copy_x [fpc_in_cos_real |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: cos (real) ] fpc_in_cos_real [fpc_in_cycle |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: cycle ] fpc_in_cycle [fpc_in_dec_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: dec ] fpc_in_dec_x [fpc_in_dispose_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: dispose ] fpc_in_dispose_x [fpc_in_exclude_x_y |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: exclude ] fpc_in_exclude_x_y [fpc_in_exit |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: exit ] fpc_in_exit [fpc_in_finalize_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: finalize ] fpc_in_finalize_x [fpc_in_high_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: high ] fpc_in_high_x [fpc_in_hi_long |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: hi (long)] fpc_in_hi_long [fpc_in_hi_qword |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: hi (qword) ] fpc_in_hi_qword [fpc_in_hi_word |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: hi (word)] fpc_in_hi_word [fpc_in_include_x_y |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: include ] fpc_in_include_x_y [fpc_in_inc_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: inc ] fpc_in_inc_x [fpc_in_initialize_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: initialize ] fpc_in_initialize_x [fpc_in_leave |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: leave ] fpc_in_leave [fpc_in_length_string |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: length] fpc_in_length_string [fpc_in_ln_real |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: ln (real) ] fpc_in_ln_real [fpc_in_low_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: low ] fpc_in_low_x [fpc_in_lo_long |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: lo (long)] fpc_in_lo_long [fpc_in_lo_qword |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: lo (qword) ] fpc_in_lo_qword [fpc_in_lo_word |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: lo (word)] fpc_in_lo_word [fpc_in_mmx_pcmpeqb |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: MMX ] fpc_in_mmx_pcmpeqb [fpc_in_mmx_pcmpeqd |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: MMX ] fpc_in_mmx_pcmpeqd [fpc_in_mmx_pcmpeqw |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: MMX ] fpc_in_mmx_pcmpeqw [fpc_in_mmx_pcmpgtb |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: MMX ] fpc_in_mmx_pcmpgtb [fpc_in_mmx_pcmpgtd |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: MMX ] fpc_in_mmx_pcmpgtd [fpc_in_mmx_pcmpgtw |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: MMX ] fpc_in_mmx_pcmpgtw [fpc_in_new_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: new ] fpc_in_new_x [fpc_in_ofs_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: ofs ] fpc_in_ofs_x [fpc_in_ord_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: ord ] fpc_in_ord_x [fpc_in_pi |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: pi ] fpc_in_pi [fpc_in_pred_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: pred ] fpc_in_pred_x [fpc_in_prefetch_var |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: prefetch ] fpc_in_prefetch_var [fpc_in_readln_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: readln] fpc_in_readln_x [fpc_in_read_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: read] fpc_in_read_x [fpc_in_reset_typedfile |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: reset ] fpc_in_reset_typedfile [fpc_in_reset_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: reset ] fpc_in_reset_x [fpc_in_rewrite_typedfile |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: rewrite ] fpc_in_rewrite_typedfile [fpc_in_rewrite_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: rewrite ] fpc_in_rewrite_x [fpc_in_seg_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: seg ] fpc_in_seg_x [fpc_in_setlength_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: setlength ] fpc_in_setlength_x [fpc_in_settextbuf_file_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: settextbuf ] fpc_in_settextbuf_file_x [fpc_in_sin_real |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: sin (real) ] fpc_in_sin_real [fpc_in_sizeof_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: sizeof ] fpc_in_sizeof_x [fpc_in_sqrt_real |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: sqrt (real) ] fpc_in_sqrt_real [fpc_in_sqr_real |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: sqr (real) ] fpc_in_sqr_real [fpc_in_str_x_string |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: str ] fpc_in_str_x_string [fpc_in_succ_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: succ ] fpc_in_succ_x [fpc_in_typeinfo_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: typeinfo ] fpc_in_typeinfo_x [fpc_in_typeof_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: typeof ] fpc_in_typeof_x [fpc_in_val_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: val ] fpc_in_val_x [fpc_in_writeln_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: writeln] fpc_in_writeln_x [fpc_in_write_x |r System:: FPC compiler internal procedure index: write] fpc_in_write_x [GrowHeapSize1 |r System:: Grow rate for block less than 256 Kb.] GrowHeapSize1 [GrowHeapSize2 |r System:: Grow rate for block larger than 256 Kb.] GrowHeapSize2 [GrowHeapSizeSmall |r System:: Fixed size small blocks grow rate] GrowHeapSizeSmall [InitProc |r System:: Initialization routine] InitProc [IsMultiThread |r System:: Indicates whether more than one thread is running in the application.] IsMultiThread [LFNSupport |r System:: COnstant describing support for long filenames.] LFNSupport [LineEnding |r System:: Constant describing the current line ending character.] LineEnding [MaxExitCode |r System:: Maximum exit code supported by the operating system.] MaxExitCode [Maxint |r System:: Maximum integer value.] Maxint [MaxLongint |r System:: Maximum longint value.] MaxLongint [MaxPathLen] MaxPathLen [MaxSIntValue |r System:: Maximum String-size value.] MaxSIntValue [MaxSmallint |r System:: Maximum smallint value.] MaxSmallint [MaxUIntValue |r System:: Maximum unsigned integer value.] MaxUIntValue [Max_Frame_Dump |r System:: Maximum number of frames to show in error frame dump.] Max_Frame_Dump [PathSeparator |r System:: Character used to separate paths in a search list] PathSeparator [RaiseMaxFrameCount |r System:: Maximum number of frames to include in TExceptObject] RaiseMaxFrameCount [RaiseProc |r System:: Procedure to raise an exception.] RaiseProc [SLineBreak |r System:: Alias for LineEnding] SLineBreak [StackError |r System:: Indicate whether there was a stack error.] StackError [StdErrorHandle |r System:: Value of the OS handle for the standard error-output file.] StdErrorHandle [StdInputHandle |r System:: Value of the OS handle for the standard input file.] StdInputHandle [StdOutputHandle |r System:: Value of the OS handle for the standard output file.] StdOutputHandle [s_false |r System:: Interface call result: Not OK] s_false [s_ok |r System:: Interface call result: OK] s_ok [ThreadingAlreadyUsed |r System:: Internal constant for the threading system. Don't use.] ThreadingAlreadyUsed [UnusedHandle |r System:: Value indicating an unused file handle (as reported by the OS).] UnusedHandle [VarAddRefProc |r System:: Callback to increase reference count of a variant.] VarAddRefProc [VarAny |r System:: Variant type: Any ] VarAny [VarArray |r System:: Variant type: variant Array ] VarArray [VarBoolean |r System:: Variant type: Boolean type ] VarBoolean [VarByref |r System:: Variant type: By reference ] VarByref [VarByte |r System:: Variant type: Byte (8 bit) ] VarByte [VarClearProc |r System:: Callback to clear a variant.] VarClearProc [VarCopyProc |r System:: Callback to copy a variant] VarCopyProc [VarCurrency |r System:: Variant type: Currency ] VarCurrency [VarDate |r System:: Variant type: Date ] VarDate [VarDecimal |r System:: Variant type: Decimal (BCD) ] VarDecimal [VarDispatch |r System:: Variant type: dispatch interface ] VarDispatch [VarDouble |r System:: Variant type: Double float ] VarDouble [VarEmpty |r System:: Variant type: Empty variant] VarEmpty [VarError |r System:: Variant type: Error type ] VarError [VarInt64 |r System:: Variant type: Integer (64-Bit) ] VarInt64 [VarInteger |r System:: Variant type: Integer (32-bit)] VarInteger [VarLongword |r System:: Variant type: Word (32 bit) ] VarLongword [VarNull |r System:: Variant type: Null variant ] VarNull [VarOLEStr |r System:: Variant type: OLE string (widestring) ] VarOLEStr [VarQword |r System:: Variant type: Word (64-bit) ] VarQword [VarShortint |r System:: Variant type: Shortint (16 bit) ] VarShortint [VarSingle |r System:: Variant type: Single float ] VarSingle [VarSmallint |r System:: Variant type: smallint (8 bit) ] VarSmallint [VarStrarg |r System:: Variant type: String ] VarStrarg [VarString |r System:: Variant type: String ] VarString [VarToLStrProc |r System:: Callback to convert a variant to a ansistring.] VarToLStrProc [VarToWStrProc |r System:: Callback to convert a variant to a widestring.] VarToWStrProc [VarTypeMask |r System:: Variant type: Mask to extract type ] VarTypeMask [VarUnknown |r System:: Variant type: Unknown ] VarUnknown [VarVariant |r System:: Variant type: Variant (arrays only) ] VarVariant [VarWord |r System:: Variant type: Word (16 bit) ] VarWord [VarWord64 |r System:: Variant type: Word (64-bit) ] VarWord64 [vmtAfterConstruction |r System:: VMT Layout: ?] vmtAfterConstruction [vmtAutoTable |r System:: VMT layout: ?] vmtAutoTable [vmtBeforeDestruction |r System:: VMT Layout: ?] vmtBeforeDestruction [vmtClassName |r System:: VMT Layout: location of class name.] vmtClassName [vmtDefaultHandler |r System:: VMT Layout: ?] vmtDefaultHandler [vmtDefaultHandlerStr |r System:: VMT Layout: ?] vmtDefaultHandlerStr [vmtDestroy |r System:: VMT Layout: Location of destructor pointer.] vmtDestroy [vmtDynamicTable |r System:: VMT Layout: location of dynamic methods table.] vmtDynamicTable [vmtFieldTable |r System:: VMT Layout: Location of fields table.] vmtFieldTable [vmtFreeInstance |r System:: VMT Layout: location of FreeInstance method.] vmtFreeInstance [vmtInitTable |r System:: VMT Layout: ?] vmtInitTable [vmtInstanceSize |r System:: VMT Layout: Location of class instance size in VMT] vmtInstanceSize [vmtIntfTable |r System:: VMT layout: Interface table] vmtIntfTable [vmtMethodStart |r System:: VMT layout: start of method table.] vmtMethodStart [vmtMethodTable |r System:: VMT Layout: Method table start.] vmtMethodTable [vmtMsgStrPtr |r System:: VMT layout: message strings table.] vmtMsgStrPtr [vmtNewInstance |r System:: VMT Layout: location of NewInstance method.] vmtNewInstance [vmtParent |r System:: VMT Layout: location of pointer to parent VMT.] vmtParent [vmtSafeCallException |r System:: VMT Layout: ?] vmtSafeCallException [vmtTypeInfo |r System:: VMT Layout: Location of class type information.] vmtTypeInfo [vtAnsiString |r System:: TVarRec type: Ansistring] vtAnsiString [vtBoolean |r System:: TVarRec type: Boolean] vtBoolean [vtChar |r System:: TVarRec type: Char] vtChar [vtClass |r System:: TVarRec type: Class type] vtClass [vtCurrency |r System:: TVarRec type: Currency] vtCurrency [vtExtended |r System:: TVarRec type: Extended] vtExtended [vtInt64 |r System:: TVarRec type: Int64 (signed 64-bit integer)] vtInt64 [vtInteger |r System:: TVarRec type: Integer] vtInteger [vtInterface |r System:: TVarRec type: Interface] vtInterface [vtObject |r System:: TVarRec type: Object instance] vtObject [vtPChar |r System:: TVarRec type: PChar] vtPChar [vtPointer |r System:: TVarRec type: pointer] vtPointer [vtPWideChar |r System:: TVarRec type: PWideChar] vtPWideChar [vtQWord |r System:: TVarRec type: QWord (unsigned 64-bit integer)] vtQWord [vtString |r System:: TVarRec type: String] vtString [vtVariant |r System:: TVarRec type: Variant] vtVariant [vtWideChar |r System:: TVarRec type: Widechar] vtWideChar [vtWideString |r System:: TVarRec type: WideString] vtWideString [AnsiChar |p System:: Alias for 1-byte sized char.] AnsiChar [Byte |p System:: An unsigned 8-bits integer] Byte [Cardinal |p System:: An unsigned 32-bits integer.] Cardinal [Currency |p System:: Currency type.] Currency [DWord |p System:: An unsigned 32-bits integer] DWord [Error |p System:: 32-bit signed integer.] Error [HResult |p System:: 32-Bit signed integer.] HResult [Integer |p System:: A signed 16-bits integer] Integer [IntegerArray |p System:: Generic array of integer. ] IntegerArray [jmp_buf |p System:: Record type to store processor information.] jmp_buf [Longint |p System:: A signed 32-bits integer] Longint [PAnsiChar |p System:: Alias for PChar type.] PAnsiChar [PAnsiString |p System:: Pointer to an ansistring type.] PAnsiString [PBoolean |p System:: Pointer to a Boolean type.] PBoolean [PByte |p System:: Pointer to byte type] PByte [PCallDesc |p System:: Pointer to TCallDesc record.] PCallDesc [PCardinal |p System:: Pointer to Cardinal type] PCardinal [PChar |p System:: Pointer to null-terminated string.] PChar [PClass |p System:: Pointer to TClass] PClass [PCurrency |p System:: Pointer to currency type.] PCurrency [PDate |p System:: Pointer to a TDateTime type.] PDate [PDispDesc |p System:: Pointer to tdispdesc record] PDispDesc [PDouble |p System:: Pointer to double-sized float value.] PDouble [PDWord |p System:: Pointer to DWord type] PDWord [PDynArrayIndex |p System:: Pointer to tdynarrayindex type.] PDynArrayIndex [PError |p System:: Pointer to an Error type.] PError [PEventState |p System:: Pointer to EventState, which is an opaque type.] PEventState [PExceptObject |p System:: Pointer to Exception handler procedural type TExceptProc] PExceptObject [PExtended |p System:: Pointer to extended-sized float value.] PExtended [PGuid |p System:: Pointer to TGUID type. ] PGuid [PInt64 |p System:: Pointer to Int64 type] PInt64 [PInteger |p System:: Pointer to integer type] PInteger [PIntegerArray |p System:: Pointer to IntegerArray type] PIntegerArray [PInterfaceEntry |p System:: Pointer to tinterfaceentry record.] PInterfaceEntry [PInterfaceTable |p System:: Pointer to tinterfacetable record.] PInterfaceTable [PJmp_buf |p System:: Pointer to jmp_buf record] PJmp_buf [PLongBool |p System:: Pointer to a LongBool type.] PLongBool [PLongint |p System:: Pointer to Longint type] PLongint [PLongWord |p System:: Pointer to LongWord type] PLongWord [PMemoryManager |p System:: Pointer to TMemoryManager record] PMemoryManager [PMsgStrTable |p System:: Pointer to array of TMsgStrTable records.] PMsgStrTable [PointerArray |p System:: Generic pointer array.] PointerArray [POleVariant |p System:: Pointer to OleVariant type.] POleVariant [PPAnsiChar |p System:: Alias for PPChar type.] PPAnsiChar [PPChar |p System:: Pointer to an array of pointers to null-terminated strings.] PPChar [PPCharArray |p System:: Pointer to TPCharArray type.] PPCharArray [PPointer |p System:: Pointer to a pointer type.] PPointer [PPointerArray |p System:: Pointer to PointerArray type] PPointerArray [PPPointer |p System:: Pointer to a PPointer type.] PPPointer [PPtrInt |p System:: Pointer to PtrInt type.] PPtrInt [PPWideChar |p System:: Pointer to link id="PWideChar"> type.] PPWideChar [PQWord |p System:: Pointer to QWord type] PQWord [PRTLCriticalSection |p System:: Pointer to #rtl.system.TRTLCriticalSection type.] PRTLCriticalSection [PRTLEvent |p System:: Pointer to RTLEvent, which is an opaque type.] PRTLEvent [PShortInt |p System:: Pointer to shortint type] PShortInt [PShortString |p System:: Pointer to a shortstring type.] PShortString [PSingle |p System:: Pointer to single-sized float value.] PSingle [PSizeInt |p System:: Pointer to a SizeInt type] PSizeInt [PSmallInt |p System:: Pointer to smallint type] PSmallInt [PStringMessageTable |p System:: Pointer to TStringMessageTable record.] PStringMessageTable [PText |p System:: Pointer to text file.] PText [PtrInt |p System:: Signed integer type with same size as Pointer.] PtrInt [PtrUInt |p System:: Unsigned integer type with same size as Pointer.] PtrUInt [PUCS2Char |p System:: Pointer to UCS2Char character.] PUCS2Char [PUCS4Char |p System:: Pointer to UCS4Char] PUCS4Char [PUCS4CharArray |p System:: Pointer to array of UCS4Char characters.] PUCS4CharArray [PUTF8String |p System:: Pointer to UTF8String] PUTF8String [PVarArray |p System:: Pointer to TVarArray type.] PVarArray [PVarArrayBound |p System:: Pointer to tvararraybound type.] PVarArrayBound [PVarArrayBoundArray |p System:: Pointer to tvararrayboundarray type.] PVarArrayBoundArray [PVarArrayCoorArray |p System:: Pointer to tvararraycoorarray type.] PVarArrayCoorArray [PVarData |p System:: Pointer to TVarData record.] PVarData [PVariant |p System:: Pointer to Variant type.] PVariant [PVariantManager |p System:: Pointer to TVariantManager record.] PVariantManager [PVarRec |p System:: Pointer to TVarRec type.] PVarRec [PWideChar |p System:: Pointer to WChar.] PWideChar [PWord |p System:: Pointer to word type] PWord [PWordBool |p System:: Pointer to a WordBool type.] PWordBool [Real48 |p System:: TP compatible real type (6 bytes) definition] Real48 [ShortInt |p System:: A signed 8-bits integer] ShortInt [SizeInt |p System:: Signed integer type which fits for sizes] SizeInt [SizeUInt |p System:: Unsigned Integer type which fits for sizes] SizeUInt [SmallInt |p System:: A signed 16-bits integer] SmallInt [TAbstractErrorProc |p System:: Abstract error handler procedural type.] TAbstractErrorProc [TAllocateThreadVarsHandler |p System:: Threadvar allocation callback type for TThreadManager.] TAllocateThreadVarsHandler [TAnsiChar |p System:: Alias for 1-byte sized char.] TAnsiChar [TAssertErrorProc |p System:: Assert error handler procedural type.] TAssertErrorProc [TBackTraceStrFunc |p System:: Type for formatting of backtrace dump.] TBackTraceStrFunc [TBasicEventCreateHandler |p System:: callback type for creating eventstate in TThreadManager.] TBasicEventCreateHandler [TBasicEventHandler |p System:: Generic callback type for handling eventstate in TThreadManager.] TBasicEventHandler [TBasicEventWaitForHandler |p System:: Wait for basic event callback type for TThreadManager.] TBasicEventWaitForHandler [TBeginThreadHandler |p System:: Callback for thread start in TThreadManager.] TBeginThreadHandler [TBoundArray |p System:: Dynamic array of integer.] TBoundArray [TCallDesc |p System:: COM/OLE dispatch call argument description.] TCallDesc [TClass |p System:: Class of TObject.] TClass [TCriticalSectionHandler |p System:: Generic callback type for critical section handling in TThreadManager.] TCriticalSectionHandler [TDateTime |p System:: Encoded Date-Time type.] TDateTime [TDispDesc |p System:: COM/OLE dispatch call description.] TDispDesc [TDynArrayIndex |p System:: Type with the correct size for index into a dynamic array.] TDynArrayIndex [TEndThreadHandler |p System:: Callback for thread end in TThreadManager.] TEndThreadHandler [TErrorProc |p System:: Standard error handler procedural type.] TErrorProc [TExceptObject |p System:: Exception object] TExceptObject [TExceptProc |p System:: Exception handler procedural type] TExceptProc [TextFile |p System:: Alias for Text file type.] TextFile [TGetCurrentThreadIdHandler |p System:: Callback type for retrieving thread ID in TThreadManager.] TGetCurrentThreadIdHandler [TGuid |p System:: Standard GUID representation type.] TGuid [THandle |p System:: Type alias.] THandle [THeapStatus |p System:: Record describing current heap status.] THeapStatus [TInitThreadVarHandler |p System:: Threadvar initialization callback type for TThreadManager.] TInitThreadVarHandler [TInterfaceEntry |p System:: Interfaces table entry.] TInterfaceEntry [TInterfaceTable |p System:: Record to store list of interfaces of a class.] TInterfaceTable [TMemoryManager |p System:: Record describing the current memory manager] TMemoryManager [TMemoryMutexManager |p System:: Record describing the mutex manager for the heap.] TMemoryMutexManager [TMethod |p System:: Record describing a method.] TMethod [TMsgStrTable |p System:: Record used in string message handler table.] TMsgStrTable [TPCharArray |p System:: Array of PChar] TPCharArray [TProcedure |p System:: Simple procedural type.] TProcedure [TReleaseThreadVarsHandler |p System:: Threadvar release callback type for TThreadManager.] TReleaseThreadVarsHandler [TRelocateThreadVarHandler |p System:: Threadvar relocalization callback type for TThreadManager.] TRelocateThreadVarHandler [TRTLCreateEventHandler |p System:: Callback type for creating a TRTLEvent type in TThreadManager.] TRTLCreateEventHandler [TRTLCriticalSection |p System:: A critical section.] TRTLCriticalSection [TRTLEventHandler |p System:: Generic TRTLEvent handling type for TThreadManager.] TRTLEventHandler [TRTLEventHandlerTimeout |p System:: TRTLEvent timeout handling type for TThreadManager.] TRTLEventHandlerTimeout [TRTLEventSyncHandler |p System:: Callback type for event sycnhronization in TThreadManager.] TRTLEventSyncHandler [TRtlMethod |p System:: Callback type for synchronization event.] TRtlMethod [TStringMessageTable |p System:: String message table container for class.] TStringMessageTable [TTextLineBreakStyle |p System:: Text line break style. (end of line character)] TTextLineBreakStyle [TThreadFunc |p System:: Thread function prototype] TThreadFunc [TThreadGetPriorityHandler |p System:: Callback type for thread priority getting in TThreadManager.] TThreadGetPriorityHandler [TThreadHandler |p System:: Generic thread handler callback for TThreadManager.] TThreadHandler [TThreadID |p System:: Type for Thread-IDs] TThreadID [TThreadManager |p System:: Thread manager record.] TThreadManager [TThreadSetPriorityHandler |p System:: Callback type for thread priority setting in TThreadManager.] TThreadSetPriorityHandler [TThreadSwitchHandler |p System:: Callback type for thread switch in TThreadManager.] TThreadSwitchHandler [TUCS4CharArray |p System:: Array of UCS4Char characters.] TUCS4CharArray [TVarArray |p System:: Type describing variant array] TVarArray [TVarArrayBound |p System:: Type describing variant array bounds.] TVarArrayBound [TVarArrayBoundArray |p System:: array of tvararraybound records.] TVarArrayBoundArray [TVarArrayCoorArray |p System:: Array of variant array coordinates] TVarArrayCoorArray [TVarData |p System:: Variant record.] TVarData [TVariantManager |p System:: Record describing the variant manager.] TVariantManager [TVarOp |p System:: Variant operation.] TVarOp [TVarRec |p System:: Record describing an element in an array of const] TVarRec [TVarType |p System:: Type with size of variant type.] TVarType [TWaitForThreadTerminateHandler |p System:: Callback type for thread termination in TThreadManager.] TWaitForThreadTerminateHandler [UCS2Char |p System:: UCS2 unicode character.] UCS2Char [UCS4Char |p System:: UCS unicode character (unsigned 32 bit word)] UCS4Char [UCS4String |p System:: String of UCS4Char characters.] UCS4String [UTF8String |p System:: UTF-8 unicode (ansi) string.] UTF8String [ValSInt |p System:: Val-Signed integer.] ValSInt [ValUInt |p System:: Val-unsigned integer] ValUInt [WChar |p System:: Wide char (16-bit sized char)] WChar [Word |p System:: An unsigned 16-bits integer] Word [TObject |g System:: Base class of all classes.] TObject [Abs |b System:: Calculate absolute value (Longint|Int64|ValReal)] Abs(º|) {? value: Longint|Int64|ValReal} [AbstractError |b System:: Generate an abstract error.] AbstractError [AcquireExceptionObject |b System:: Obtain a reference to the current exception object (Pointer)] AcquireExceptionObject [AddExitProc |b System:: Add an exit procedure to the exit procedure chain.] AddExitProc(º|) {? proc: TProcedure} [Addr |b System:: Return address of a variable (Pointer)] Addr(º|) [Align |b System:: Return aligned version of an address (PtrInt|Pointer)] Align(º|,) {? addr: PtrInt|Pointer; alignment: PtrInt} [AllocMem |b System:: Alias for GetMem (Pointer)] AllocMem(º|) {? size: PtrInt} [Append |b System:: Open a file in append mode] Append(º|) {? var t: Text} [ArcTan |b System:: Calculate inverse tangent (ValReal)] ArcTan(º|) {? value: ValReal} [ArrayStringToPPchar |b System:: Concert an array of string to an array of null-terminated strings] ArrayStringToPPchar(º|,); {? const S: array [] of AnsiString; reserveentries: LongInt} [AsmFreemem |b System:: Routine that can be called from assembler routines to release memory.] AsmFreemem(º|) {? p: Pointer} [AsmGetmem |b System:: Routine that can be called from assembler routines to get memory.] AsmGetmem(º|,) {? var p: Pointer; size: PtrInt} [Assert |b System:: Check validity of a given condition.] Assert(º|,) {? expr: Boolean; optional const msg: String} [Assign |b System:: Assign a name to a file] Assign(º|,) {? var f: File|TypedFile|Text; const name: String|Pchar|Char} [Assigned |b System:: Check if a pointer is valid (boolean)] Assigned(º|) {? P: Pointer} [BasicEventCreate |b System:: Obsolete. Don't use (PEventState)] BasicEventCreate(º|,,,) {? EventAttributes: Pointer; AManualReset: Boolean; InitialState: Boolean; const Name: Ansistring} [BasicEventDdestroy |b System:: Obsolete. Don't use] BasicEventDestroy(º|) {? state: PEventState} [BasicEventResetEvent |b System:: Obsolete. Don't use] BasicEventResetEvent(º|) {? state: PEventState} [BasicEventSetEvent |b System:: Obsolete. Don't use] BasicEventSetEvent(º|) {? state: PEventState} [BasicEventWaitFor |b System:: Obsolete. Don't use (LongInt)] BasicEventWaitFor(º|) {? Timeout: Cardinal;state: PEventState} [BeginThread |b System:: Start a new thread. (DWord)] BeginThread(º|,,,,,) {? sa: Pointer; stacksize: DWord; ThreadFunction: TThreadFunc; p: pointer; creationFlags: DWord; var ThreadId: TThreadID} [BinStr |b System:: Convert integer to string with binary representation (ShortString)] BinStr(º|,) {? Val: LongInt|Int64; cnt: Byte} [BlockRead |b System:: Read data from an untyped file into memory] BlockRead(º|,,,) {? var f: File; var Buf; count: LongInt|Word|Cardinal; optional var Result: LongInt|Word|Cardinal} [BlockWrite |b System:: Write data from memory to an untyped file] BlockWrite(º|,,,) {? var f: File; const Buf; Count: LongInt|Word|Cardinal; optional var Result: LongInt|Word|Cardinal} [Break |b System:: Exit current loop construct.] Break [ChDdir |b System:: Change current working directory.] ChDir(º|) {? const s: String} [Chr |b System:: Convert byte value to character value (Char)] Chr(º|) {? b: Byte} [Close |b System:: Close a file] Close(º|) {? var f: File|Text} [CompareByte |b System:: Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte (SizeInt)] CompareByte(º|,,) {? const buf1; const buf2; len: SizeInt} [CompareChar |b System:: ompare 2 memory buffers character per character] CompareChar(º|,,) {? const buf1; const buf2; len: SizeInt} [CompareChar0 |b System:: Compare two buffers character by character till a null-character is reached (SizeInt)] CompareChar0(º|,,) {? const buf1; const buf2; len: SizeInt} [CompareDWord |b System:: Compare 2 memory buffers DWord per DWord (SizeInt)] CompareDWord(º|,,) {? const buf1; const buf2; len: SizeInt} [CompareWord |b System:: Compare 2 memory buffers word per word (SizeInt)] CompareWord(º|,,) {? const buf1; const buf2; len: SizeInt} [Concat |b System:: Append one string to another (String)] Concat(º|,) {? const S1: String; const S2: String; const S3: String; const Sn: String} [Continue |b System:: Continue with next loop cycle.] Continue [Copy |b System:: Copy part of a string.(Shortstring|AnsiString)] Copy(º|,,) {? const s: Shortstring|AnsiString|Char; index: SizeInt; count: SizeInt} [Cos |b System:: Calculate cosine of angle (ValReal)] Cos(º|) {? d: ValReal} [Cseg |b System:: Return code segment (Word)] Cseg [Dec |b System:: Decrease value of variable] Dec(º|,) {? var X: TOrdinal; optional Decrement: TOrdinal} [Delete |b System:: Delete part of a string.] Delete(º|,,) {? var S: ShortString|AnsiString; Index: SizeInt; Count: SizeInt} [Dispose |b System:: Free dynamically allocated memory] Dispose(º|,) {? P: TypedPointer; Des: TProcedure} [DoneCriticalsection |b System:: Clean up a critical section.] DoneCriticalsection(º|) {? var cs: TRTLCriticalSection} [Dseg |b System:: Return data segment (Word)] Dseg [Dump_Stack |b System:: Dump stack to the given text file.] Dump_Stack(º|,) {? var f: text; bp: pointer} [EndThread |b System:: End the current thread.] EndThread(º|) {? optional ExitCode: DWord} [EnterCriticalSection |b System:: Enter a critical section] EnterCriticalsection(var cs: TRTLCriticalSection} [EOF |b System:: Check for end of file (Boolean)] EOF(º|) {? optional var f: File|Text} [EOLn |b System:: Check for end of line (Boolean)] EOLn(º|) {? optional var t: File|Text} [Erase |b System:: Delete a file from disk] Erase(º|) {? var f: File|Text} [Exclude |b System:: Exlude element from a set if it is present.] Exclude(º|,) {? var S: TSetType; E: TSetElement} [Exit |b System:: Exit current subroutine.] Exit(º|) {? optional const X: TAnyType} [Exp |b System:: Exponentiate (ValReal)] Exp(º|) {? d: ValReal} [FilePos |b System:: Get position in file (LongInt)] FilePos(º|) {? var f: File} [FileSize |b System:: Size of file (LongInt)] FileSize(º|) {? var f: File} [FillByte |b System:: Fill memory region with 8-bit pattern] FillByte(º|,,) {? var x; count: SizeInt; value: Byte} [FillChar |b System:: Fill memory region with certain character] FillChar(º|,,) {? var x; count: SizeInt; value: Boolean|Char|Byte} [FillDWord |b System:: Fill memory region with 32-bit pattern] FillDWord(º|,,) {? var x; count: SizeInt; value: DWord} [FillWord |b System:: Fill memory region with 16-bit pattern] FillWord(º|,,) {? var x; count: SizeInt; value: Word} [Flush |b System:: Write file buffers to disk] Flush(º|) {? var t: Text}; [Frac |b System:: Return fractional part of floating point value (ValReal)] Frac(º|) {? d: ValReal} [Freemem |b System:: Release allocated memory (PtrInt)] Freemem(º|) {? p: pointer} [Freememory |b System:: Alias for FreeMem (PtrInt)] Freememory(º|) {? p: pointer} [GetCurrentThreadId |b System:: Return the id of the currently running thread (TThreadID)] GetCurrentThreadId [GetDir |b System:: Return the current directory] Getdir(º|) {? drivenr: Byte; var dir: Shortstring|AnsiString) [GetHeapStatus |b System:: Return the memory manager heap status.] GetHeapStatus(º|) {? var status: THeapStatus) [GetMem |b System:: Allocate new memory on the heap (Pointer)] GetMem(º|) {? size: PtrInt} [GetMemory |b System:: Alias for GetMem (Pointer)] GetMemory(º|) {? size: PtrInt} [GetMemoryManager |b System:: Return current memory manager] GetMemoryManager(º|) {? var MemMgr: TMemoryManager} [GetProcessID |b System:: Get the current process ID (SizeUInt)] GetProcessID [GetThreadID |b System:: Get the current Thread ID (SizeUInt)] GetThreadID [GetThreadManager |b System:: Return the current thread manager (Boolean)] GetThreadManager(º|) {? var TM: TThreadManager} [GetVariantManager |b System:: Return the current variant manager.] GetVariantManager(º|) {? var VarMgr: tvariantmanager} [get_caller_addr |b System:: Return the address of the caller (Pointer)] get_caller_addr(º|) {? framebp: pointer} [get_caller_frame |b System:: Return the frame pointer of the caller (Pointer)] get_caller_frame(º|) {? framebp: pointer} [get_frame |b System:: Return the current frame (Pointer)] get_frame [Halt |b System:: Stop program execution.] Halt(º|) {? optional errnum: Byte} [HexStr |b System:: Convert integer value to string with hexadecimal representation (Shortstring)] HexStr(º|,) {? Val: LongInt|Int64|Pointer; optional cnt: Byte} [Hi |b System:: Return high byte/word of value (Byte|Word|Dword)] Hi(º|) {? b: Byte|Integer|Word|LongInt|QWord|Int64} [High |b System:: Return highest index of open array or enumerated (TOrdinal)] High(º|) {? Arg: TypeOrVariable} [Inc |b System:: Increase value of integer variable] Inc(º|,) {? var X: TOrdinal; optional Increment: TOrdinal} [Include |b System:: Include element in set if it was not yet present.] Include(º|,) {? var S: TSetType; E: TSetElement} [IndexByte |b System:: Search for a byte in a memory range (SizeInt)] IndexByte(º|,,) {? const buf; len: SizeInt; b: Byte} [IndexChar |b System:: Search for a character in a memory range (SizeInt)] IndexChar(º|,,) {? const buf; len: SizeInt; b: Char} [IndexChar0 |b System:: Return index of a character in null-terminated array of char (SizeInt)] IndexChar0(º|,,) {? const buf; len: SizeInt; b: Char} [IndexDWord |b System:: Search for a DWord value in a memory range (SizeInt)] IndexDWord(º|,,) {? const buf; len: SizeInt; b: DWord} [Indexword |b System:: Search for a WORD value in a memory range.] Indexword(º|,,) {? const buf; len: SizeInt; b: Word} [InitCriticalSection |b System:: Initialize a critical section] InitCriticalSection(º|) {? var cs: TRTLCriticalSection} [InitThread |b System:: Initialize a thread] InitCriticalSection(º|) {? var cs: TRTLCriticalSection} [Insert |b System:: Insert one string in another.] Insert(º|,,) {? const source: Shortstring|Char|AnsiString; var s: shortstring|AnsiString; index: SizeInt} [Int |b System:: Calcuate integer part of floating point value (ValReal)] Int(º|) {? d: ValReal} [IOResult |b System:: Return result of last file IO operation (Word)] IOResult [IsMemoryManagerSet |b System:: Is the memory manager set (Boolean)] IsMemoryManagerSet [IsVariantManagerSet |b System:: Determine if variant manager is currently set (Boolean)] IsVariantManagerSet [KillThread |b System:: Kill a running thread (DWord)] KillThread(º|) {? threadHandle: TThreadID} [LeaveCriticalsection |b System:: Leave a critical section] LeaveCriticalsection(º|) {? var cs: TRTLCriticalSection} [Length |b System:: Calculate length of a string (Byte)] Length(º|) {? s: String|Char|AnsiString} [Ln |b System:: Calculate logarithm (ValReal)] Ln(º|) {? d: ValReal} [Lo |b System:: Return low byte/word of value (Byte|Word|DWord)] Lo(º|) {? B: Byte|Integer|Word|Longint|Dword|Int64|QWord) [LongJmp |b System:: Jump to address.] LongJmp(º|,) {? var S: jmp_buf; value: LongInt} [Low |b System:: Return lowest index of open array or enumerated (TOrdinal)] Low(º|) {? Arg: TypeOrVariable} [LowerCase |b System:: Return lowercase version of a string (Shortstring|Char|Ansistring)] LowerCase(º|) {? const s: Shortstring|Char|Ansistring) [MemSize |b System:: Return the size of a memory block (PtrInt)] MemSize(º|) {? p: pointer} [MkDir |b System:: Create a new directory.] MkDir(º|) {? const s: String} [Move |b System:: Move data from one location in memory to another] Move(º|,,) {? const source; var dest; count: SizeInt} [MoveChar0 |b System:: Move data till first zero character] MoveChar0(º|,) {? const buf1; var buf2; len: SizeInt} [New |b System:: Dynamically allocate memory for variable] New(º|,) {? var P: Pointer; optional Cons: TProcedure} [OctStr |b System:: Convert integer to a string with octal representation {Shortstring}] OctStr(º|,) {? Val: LongInt|Int64; cnt: Byte} [Odd |b System:: Is a value odd or even (Boolean)] Odd(º|) {? l: LongInt|LongWord|Int64|QWord} [Ofs |b System:: Return offset of a variable (LongInt)] Ofs(º|) {? var X} [Ord |b System:: Return ordinal value of an ordinal type (LongInt)] Ord(º|) {? X: TOrdinal} [Paramcount |b System:: Return number of command-line parameters passed to the program (LongInt)] Paramcount [ParamStr |b System:: Return value of a command-line argument (String)] ParamStr(º|) {? l: LongInt} [Pi |b System:: Return the value of PI (ValReal)] Pi [Pos |b System:: Search for substring in a string (SizeInt)] Pos(º|,) {? const substr: shortstring|Char|AnsiString; const s: Shortstring|Char|AnsiString) [Pred |b System:: Return previous element for an ordinal type (TOrdinal)] Pred(º|) {? X: TOrdinal} [Prefetch |b System:: Prefetch a memory location] Prefetch(º|) {? const mem} [Ptr |b System:: Combine segment and offset to pointer (FarPointer)] Ptr(º|,) {? sel: LongInt; off: LongInt} [RaiseList |b System:: List of currently raised exceptions (PExceptObject)] RaiseList [Random |b System:: Generate random number (LongInt|Int64|Extended)] Random(º|) {? optional l: LongInt|int64) [Randomize |b System:: Initialize random number generator] Randomize [Read |b System:: Read from a text file into variable] Read(º|,) {? optional var F: Text; Args: Arguments) [ReadLn |b System:: Read from a text file into variable and goto next line] ReadLn(º|,) {? optional var F: Text; Args: Arguments) [Real2Double |b System:: Convert Turbo Pascal style real to double (Double)] Real2Double(º|) {? r: real48} [ReAllocMem |b System:: Re-allocate memory on the heap (Pointer)] ReAllocMem(º|,) {? var p: pointer; Size: PtrInt} [ReAllocMemory |b System:: Alias for ReAllocMem (pointer)] ReAllocMemory(º|,) {? var p: pointer; Size: PtrInt} [ReleaseExceptionObject |b System:: Decrease the reference count of the current exception object.] ReleaseExceptionObject [Rename |b System:: Rename file on disk] Rename(º|,) {? var f: File|TypedFile|Text; const s: String|Pchar|Char} [Reset |b System:: Open file for reading] Reset(º|,) {? var f: File|TypedFile|Text; optional; l: LongInt} [ResumeThread |b System:: Resume a suspended thread (DWord)] ResumeThread(º|) {? threadHandle: TThreadID} [Rewrite |b System:: Open file for writing] Rewrite(º|,) {? var f: File|TypedFile|Text; optional l: LongInt} [RmDir |b System:: Remove directory when empty.] RmDir(º|) {? const s: String} [Round |b System:: Round floating point value to nearest integer number (Int64)] Round(º|) {? d: ValReal} [RTLEventCreate |b System:: Create a new RTL event (PRTLEvent)] RTLEventCreate [RTLEventdestroy |b System:: Destroy a RTL Event] RTLEventDestroy(º|) {? state: PRTLEvent) [RTLEventResetEvent |b System:: Reset an event] RTLeventResetEvent(º|) {? state: PRTLEvent) [RTLEventSetEvent |b System:: Notify threads of the event.] RTLeventSetEvent(º|) {? state: PRTLEvent) [RTLEventStartWait |b System:: Prepare the event for waiting.] RTLeventStartWait(º|) {? state: PRTLEvent) [RTLEventSync |b System:: Obsolete. Don't use] RTLeventsync(º|,) {? m: trtlmethod; p: TProcedure) [RTLEventWaitFor |b System:: Wait for an event.] RTLeventWaitFor(º|,) {? state: PRTLEvent; optional timeout: LongInt) [RunErrorº|) {? |b System:: Generate a run-time error.] RunError(º|) {? optional w: Word} [Seek |b System:: Set file position] Seek(º|) {? var f: File; Pos: LongInt} [SeekEOF |b System:: Set file position to end of file (Boolean)] SeekEOF(º|) {? optional var t: Text} [SeekEOLn |b System:: Set file position to end of line (Boolean)] SeekEOLn(º|) {? optional var t: Text} [Seg |b System:: Return segment (Longint)] Seg(º|) {? var X} [SetJmp |b System:: Save current execution point (Longint)] SetJmp(º|) {? var S: jmp_buf} [SetLength |b System:: Set length of a string.] SetLength(º|,) {? var S: ShortString|Ansistring; len: SizeInt} [SetMemoryManager |b System:: Set a memory manager] SetMemoryManager(º|) {? const MemMgr: TMemoryManager} [SetMemoryMutexManager |b System:: Procedure to set the mutex manager.] SetMemoryMutexManager(º|) {? var MutexMgr: TMemoryMutexManager} [SetNoThreadManager |b System:: Clear the threadmanager] SetNoThreadManager [SetString |b System:: Set length of a string and copy buffer.] SetString(º|,,) {? var S: Shortstring|Ansistring; Buf: PChar; Len: SizeInt} [SetTextBuf |b System:: Set size of text file internal buffer] SetTextBuf(º|,,) {? var f: Text; var Buf; optional Size: LongInt} [SetTextLineEnding |b System:: Set the end-of-line character for the given text file.] SetTextLineEnding(º|,) {? var f: Text; Ending: String} [SetThreadManager |b System:: Set the thread manager, optionally return the current thread manager (Boolean)] SetThreadManager(º|,) {? const NewTM: TThreadManager; optional var OldTM: TThreadManager} [SetVariantManager |b System:: Set the current variant manager.] SetVariantManager(º|) {? const VarMgr: tvariantmanager} [Sin |b System:: Calculate sine of angle (ValrReal)] Sin(º|) {? d: ValReal} [SizeOf |b System:: Return size of a variable or type (Longint)] SizeOf(º|) {? X: TAnyType} [Space |b System:: Return a string of spaces (ShortString)] Space(º|) {? b: Byte} [Sptr |b System:: Return current stack pointer (Pointer)] Sptr [Sqr |b System:: Calculate the square of a value (Longint|Int64|QWord|Valreal)] Sqr(º|) {? l: LongInt|Inte64|QWord|ValReal} [Sqrt |b System:: Calculate the square root of a value (Real)] Sqrt(º|) {? d: ValReal} [Sseg |b System:: Return stack segment register value (Word)] Sseg [Str |b System:: Convert a numerical value to a string.] Str(º|,) {? var X: TNumericType; var S: String} [StringOfChar |b System:: Return a string consisting of 1 character repeated N times (AnsiString)] StringOfChar(º|,) {? c: Char; l: SizeInt} [StringToPPChar |b System:: Split string in list of null-terminated strings (PPChar)] StringToPPChar(º|,) {? var S: AnsiString|Pchar; ReserveEntries: Integer} [StrLen |b System:: Length of a null-terminated string (Longint)] StrLen(º|) {? p: PChar} [StrPas |b System:: Convert a null-terminated string to a shortstring (Shortstring)] StrPas(º|) {? p: PChar} [Succ |b System:: Return next element of ordinal type (Ordinal)] Succ(º|) {? x: TOrdinal} [SuspendThread |b System:: Suspend a running thread (DWord)] SuspendThread(º|) {? threadHandle: TThreadID} [Swap |b System:: Swap high and low bytes/words of a variable (Word|Integer|Longint|Cardinal|QWord|Int64)] Swap(º|) {? X: Word|Integer|Longint|Cardinal|Qword|Int64} [SysAllocMem |b System:: System memory manager: Allocate memory (Pointer)] SysAllocMem(º|) {? size: PtrInt} [SysAssert |b System:: Standard Assert failure implementation] SysAssert(º|,,,) {? const Msg: ShortString; const FName: ShortString; LineNo: LongInt; ErrorAddr: Pointer} [SysBackTraceStr |b System:: Format an address suitable for inclusion in a backtrace (ShortString)] SysBackTraceStr(º|) {? Addr: Pointer} [SysFreemem |b System:: System memory manager free routine (PtrInt)] SysFreemem(º|) {? p: pointer} [SysFreememSize |b System:: System memory manager free routine (PtrInt)] SysFreememSize(º|,) {? p: pointer; Size: PtrInt} [SysGetHeapStatus |b System:: System implementation of GetHeapStatus] SysGetHeapStatus(º|) {? var status: THeapStatus} [SysGetmem |b System:: System memory manager memory allocator (Pointer)] SysGetMem(º|) {? Size: PtrInt} [SysInitExceptions |b System:: Initialize exceptions.] SysInitExceptions [SysInitStdIO |b System:: Initialize standard input and output.] SysInitStdIO [SysMemSize |b System:: System memory manager: free size (PtrInt)] SysMemSize(º|) {? p: pointer} [SysReAllocMem |b System:: System memory manager: Reallocate memory (Pointer)] SysReAllocMem(º|,) {? var p: pointer; size: PtrInt} [SysResetFPU |b System:: Reset the floating point unit.] SysResetFPU [SysTryResizeMem |b System:: System memory manager: attempt to resize memory (Boolean)] SysTryResizeMem(º|,) {? var p: pointer; size: PtrInt} [ThreadGetPriority |b System:: Return the priority of a thread (LongInt)] ThreadGetPriority(º|) {? threadHandle: TThreadID} [ThreadSetPriority |b System:: Set the priority of a thread (Boolean)] ThreadSetPriority(º|,) {? threadHandle: TThreadID; Prio: LongInt} [ThreadSwitch |b System:: Signal possibility of thread switch] ThreadSwitch [Trunc |b System:: Truncate a floating point value (Int64)] Trunc(º|) {? d: ValReal} [Truncate |b System:: Truncate the file at position] Truncate(º|) {? var F: File} [UniqueString |b System:: Make sure reference count of string is 1] UniqueString(º|) {? var S: AnsiString} [UpCase |b System:: Convert a string to all uppercase (Shortstring|Char|Ansistring)] UpCase(º|) {? const s: ShortString|Char|Ansistring} [Val |b System:: Calculate numerical value of a string.] Val(º|,,) {? const S: String; var V; var Code: Word} [VarArrayRedim |b System:: Redimension a variant array] VarArrayRedim(º|,) {? var A: Variant; HighBound: SizeInt} [WaitForThreadTerminate |b System:: Wait for a thread to terminate (DWord)] WaitForThreadTerminate(º|,) {? threadHandle: TThreadID; TimeoutMs: LongInt} [Write |b System:: Write variable to a text file] Write(º|,) {? optional var F: Text; Args: Arguments} [WriteLn |b System:: Write variable to a text file and append newline] WriteLn(º|,) {? optional var F: Text; Args: Arguments} [Argv |f System:: Pointer to the array of command-line arguments] Argv [DispCallByIDProc |f System:: Callback to perform dispatch interface procedure call by ID.] DispCallByIDProc [Envp |f System:: Pointer to the array of environment variables] Envp [ErrOutput |f System:: Alias for StdErr] ErrOutput [ExitCode |f System:: Exit code for the program, will be communicated to the OS on exit.] ExitCode [InOutRes |f System:: Result of last I/O operation. Read-Only.] InOutRes [Input |f System:: Standard input text file.] Input [IsConsole |f System:: True for console applications, False for GUI applications.] IsConsole [IsLibrary |f System:: True if the current module is a library. Otherwise module is an excutable] IsLibrary [Null |f System:: Null variant] Null [Output |f System:: Standard output text file.] Output [RandSeed |f System:: Seed for Random function.] RandSeed [ReturnNilIfGrowHeapFails |f System:: Describe behaviour if getmem fails.] ReturnNilIfGrowHeapFails [StackBottom |f System:: Current stack bottom.] StackBottom [StackLength |f System:: Maximum stack length.] StackLength [StdErr |f System:: Standard diagnostic output text file.] StdErr [StdOut |f System:: Alias for Output.] StdOut [ThreadID |f System:: Current Thread ID.] ThreadID [Unassigned |f System:: Unassigned variant.] Unassigned [VarDispProc |f System:: Callback to perform dispatch interface procedure call by name.] VarDispProc ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: Dateutils ;============================================================================================== [ApproxDaysPerMonth |r Dateutils:: Average number of days in a month, measured over a year. Used in MonthsBetween.] ApproxDaysPerMonth [ApproxDaysPerYear |r Dateutils:: Average number of days in a year, measured over 4 years. Used in YearsBetween.] ApproxDaysPerYear [DayFriday |r Dateutils:: ISO day number for Friday] DayFriday [DayMonday |r Dateutils:: ISO day number for Monday] DayMonday [DaySaturday |r Dateutils:: ISO day number for Saturday] DaySaturday [DaysPerWeek |r Dateutils:: Number of days in a week.] DaysPerWeek [DaysPerYear |r Dateutils:: Array with number of days in a year. The boolean index indicates whether it is a leap year or not.] DaysPerYear [DaySunday |r Dateutils:: ISO day number for Sunday] DaySunday [DayThursday |r Dateutils:: ISO day number for Thursday] DayThursday [DayTuesday |r Dateutils:: ISO day number for Tuesday] DayTuesday [DayWednesday |r Dateutils:: ISO day number for Wednesday] DayWednesday [MonthsPerYear |r Dateutils:: Number of months in a year] MonthsPerYear [OneHour |r Dateutils:: One hour as a fraction of a day (suitable for TDateTime)] OneHour [OneMillisecond |r Dateutils:: One millisecond as a fraction of a day (suitable for TDateTime)] OneMillisecond [OneMinute |r Dateutils:: One minute as a fraction of a day (suitable for TDateTime)] OneMinute [OneSecond |r Dateutils:: One second as a fraction of a day (suitable for TDateTime)] OneSecond [RecodeLeaveFieldAsIs |r Dateutils:: Bitmask deciding what to do with each TDateTime field in recode routines] RecodeLeaveFieldAsIs [WeeksPerFortnight |r Dateutils:: Number of weeks in fortnight] WeeksPerFortnight [YearsPerCentury |r Dateutils:: Number of years in a century] YearsPerCentury [YearsPerDecade |r Dateutils:: Number of years in a decade] YearsPerDecade [YearsPerMillennium |r Dateutils:: Number of years in a millenium] YearsPerMillennium [CompareDate |b Dateutils:: Compare 2 dates, disregarding the time of day (TValueRelationship)] CompareDate(º|,) {? const A: TDateTime; const B: TDateTime} [CompareDateTime |b Dateutils:: Compare 2 dates, taking into account the time of day (TValueRelationship)] CompareDateTime(º|,) {? const A: TDateTime; const B: TDateTime} [CompareTime |b Dateutils:: Compares two times of the day, disregarding the date part (TValueRelationship).] CompareTime(º|,) {? const A: TDateTime; const B: TDateTime} [DateOf |b Dateutils:: Extract the date part from a DateTime indication (TDateTime).] DateOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DateTimeToJulianDate |b Dateutils:: Converts a TDateTime value to a Julian date representation (Double)] DateTimeToJulianDate(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DateTimeToModifiedJulianDate |b Dateutils:: Convert a TDateTime value to a modified Julian date representation (Double)] DateTimeToModifiedJulianDate(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DateTimeToUnix |b Dateutils:: Convert a TDateTime value to Unix epoch time (Int64)] DateTimeToUnix(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DayOf |b Dateutils:: Extract the day (of month) part from a DateTime value (Word)] DayOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DayOfTheMonth |b Dateutils:: Extract the day (of month) part of a DateTime value (Word)] DayOfTheMonth(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DayOfTheWeek |b Dateutils:: Extracts the day of the week from a DateTime value (Word)] DayOfTheWeek(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DayOfTheYear |b Dateutils:: Extracts the day of the year from a TDateTime value (Word)] DayOfTheYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DaysBetween |b Dateutils:: Number of whole days between two DateTime values (Integer).] DaysBetween(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [DaysInAMonth |b Dateutils:: Number of days in a month of a certain year (Word).] DaysInAMonth(º|,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word} [DaysInAYear |b Dateutils:: Number of days in a particular year (Word).] DaysInAYear(º|) {? const AYear: Word} [DaysInMonth |b Dateutils:: Return the number of days in the month in which a date occurs (Word).] DaysInMonth(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DaysInYear |b Dateutils:: Return the number of days in the year in which a date occurs (Word).] DaysInYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [DaySpan |b Dateutils:: Calculate the approximate number of days between two DateTime values (Double).] DaySpan(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [DecodeDateDay |b Dateutils:: Decode a DateTime value in year and year of day.] DecodeDateDay(º|,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; var AYear: Word; var ADayOfYear: Word} [DecodeDateMonthWeek |b Dateutils:: Decode a DateTime value in a month, week of month and day of week] DecodeDateMonthWeek(º|,,,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; var AYear: Word; var AMonth: Word; var AWeekOfMonth: Word; var ADayOfWeek: Word} [DecodeDateTime |b Dateutils:: Decode a datetime value in a date and time value] procedure DecodeDateTime(º|,,,,,,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; var AYear: Word; var AMonth: Word; var ADay: Word;var AHour: Word; var AMinute: Word;var ASecond: Word; var AMilliSecond: Word} [DecodeDateWeek |b Dateutils:: Decode a DateTime value in a week of year and day of week.] DecodeDateWeek(º|,,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; var AYear: Word; var AWeekOfYear: Word; var ADayOfWeek: Word} [DecodeDayOfWeekInMonth |b Dateutils:: Decode a DateTime value in year, month, day of week parts] DecodeDayOfWeekInMonth(º|,,,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; var AYear: Word; var AMonth: Word; var ANthDayOfWeek: Word; var ADayOfWeek: Word} [EncodeDateDay |b Dateutils:: Encodes a year and day of year to a DateTime value (TDateTime)] EncodeDateDay(º|,) {? const AYear: Word; const ADayOfYear: Word} [EncodeDateMonthWeek |b Dateutils:: Encodes a year, month, week of month and day of week to a DateTime value (TDateTime)] EncodeDateMonthWeek(º|,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const AWeekOfMonth: Word; const ADayOfWeek: Word} [EncodeDateTime |b Dateutils:: Encodes a DateTime value from all its parts (TDateTime)] EncodeDateTime(º|,,,,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word; const AHour: Word; const AMinute: Word; const ASecond: Word; const AMilliSecond: Word} [EncodeDateWeek |b Dateutils:: Encode a TDateTime value from a year, week and day of week triplet (TDateTime)] EncodeDateWeek(º|,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AWeekOfYear: Word; optional const ADayOfWeek: Word} [EncodeDayOfWeekInMonth |b Dateutils:: Encodes a year, month, week, day of week specification to a TDateTime value (TDateTime)] EncodeDayOfWeekInMonth(º|,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ANthDayOfWeek: Word; const ADayOfWeek: Word} [EndOfADay |b Dateutils:: Calculates a DateTime value representing the end of a specified day (TDateTime)] EndOfADay(º|,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word} [EndOfAMonth |b Dateutils:: Calculate a datetime value representing the last day of the indicated month (TDateTime)] EndOfAMonth(º|,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word} [EndOfAWeek |b Dateutils:: Return the last moment of day of the week, given a year and a week in the year (TDateTime).] EndOfAWeek(º|,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AWeekOfYear: Word; optional const ADayOfWeek: Word} [EndOfAYear |b Dateutils:: Calculate a DateTime value representing the last day of a year (TDateTime)] EndOfAYear(º|) {? const AYear: Word} [EndOfTheDay |b Dateutils:: Calculate a datetime value that represents the end of a given day (TDateTime).] function EndOfTheDay(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [EndOfTheMonth |b Dateutils:: Calculate a DateTime value representing the last day of the month, given a day in that month (TDateTime).] EndOfTheMonth(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [EndOfTheWeek |b Dateutils:: Calculate a DateTime value which represents the end of a week, given a date in that week (TDateTime).] EndOfTheWeek(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [EndOfTheYear |b Dateutils:: Calculate a DateTime value representing the last day of a year, given a date in that year (TDateTime).] EndOfTheYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [HourOf |b Dateutils:: Extract the hour part from a DateTime value (Word).] HourOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [HourOfTheDay |b Dateutils:: Calculate the hour of a given DateTime value (Word)] HourOfTheDay(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [HourOfTheMonth |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of hours passed since the start of the month (Word).] HourOfTheMonth(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [HourOfTheWeek |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of hours elapsed since the start of the week (Word).] HourOfTheWeek(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [HourOfTheYear |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of hours passed since the start of the year (Word).] HourOfTheYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [HoursBetween |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of whole hours between two DateTime values (Int64).] HoursBetween(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [HourSpan |b Dateutils:: Calculate the approximate number of hours between two DateTime values (Double).] HourSpan(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [IncDay |b Dateutils:: Increase a DateTime value with a number of days (TDateTime).] IncDay(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; optional const ANumberOfDays: Integer} [IncHour |b Dateutils:: Increase a DateTime value with a number of hours (TDateTime).] IncHour(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; optional const ANumberOfHours: Int64} [IncMilliSecond |b Dateutils:: Increase a DateTime value with a number of milliseconds (TDateTime).] IncMilliSecond(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; optional const ANumberOfMilliSeconds: Int64} [IncMinute |b Dateutils:: Increase a DateTime value with a number of minutes (TDateTime).] IncMinute(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; optional const ANumberOfMinutes: Int64} [IncSecond |b Dateutils:: Increase a DateTime value with a number of seconds (TDateTime).] IncSecond(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; optional const ANumberOfSeconds: Int64} [IncWeek |b Dateutils:: Increase a DateTime value with a number of weeks (TDateTime).] IncWeek(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; optional const ANumberOfWeeks: Integer} [IncYear |b Dateutils:: Increase a DateTime value with a number of years (TDateTime).] IncYear(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; optional const ANumberOfYears: Integer} [InvalidDateDayError |b Dateutils:: Raise an EConvertError exception when a day is not a valid day of a year.] InvalidDateDayError(º|,) {? const AYear: Word; const ADayOfYear: Word} [InvalidDateMonthWeekError |b Dateutils:: Raise an EConvertError exception when a Year,Month,WeekOfMonth,DayofWeek is invalid.] InvalidDateMonthWeekError(º|,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const AWeekOfMonth: Word; const ADayOfWeek: Word} [InvalidDateTimeError |b Dateutils:: Raise an EConvertError about an invalid date-time specification.] InvalidDateTimeError(º|,,,,,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word; const AHour: Word; const AMinute: Word; const ASecond: Word; const AMilliSecond: Word; optional const ABaseDate: TDateTime} [InvalidDateWeekError |b Dateutils:: Raise an EConvertError with an invalid Year, WeekOfyear and DayOfWeek specification] InvalidDateWeekError(º|,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AWeekOfYear: Word; const ADayOfWeek: Word} [InvalidDayOfWeekInMonthError |b Dateutils:: Raise an EConvertError exception when a Year,Month,NthDayofWeek,DayofWeek is invalid.] InvalidDayOfWeekInMonthError(º|,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ANthDayOfWeek: Word; const ADayOfWeek: Word} [IsInLeapYear |b Dateutils:: Determine whether a date is in a leap year (Boolean).] IsInLeapYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [IsPM |b Dateutils:: Determine whether a time is PM or AM (Boolean).] IsPM(const AValue: TDateTime} [IsSameDay |b Dateutils:: Check if two date/time indications are the same day (Boolean).] IsSameDay(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const ABasis: TDateTime} [IsToday |b Dateutils:: Check whether a given date is today (Boolean).] IsToday(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [IsValidDate |b Dateutils:: Check whether a set of values is a valid date indication (Boolean).] IsValidDate(º|,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word} [IsValidDateDay |b Dateutils:: Check whether a given year/day of year combination is a valid date (Boolean).] IsValidDateDay(º|,) {? const AYear: Word; const ADayOfYear: Word} [IsValidDateMonthWeek |b Dateutils:: Check whether a given year/month/week/day of the week combination is a valid day (Boolean)] IsValidDateMonthWeek(º|,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const AWeekOfMonth: Word; const ADayOfWeek: Word} [IsValidDateTime |b Dateutils:: Check whether a set of values is a valid date and time indication (Boolean).] IsValidDateTime(º|,,,,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word; const AHour: Word; const AMinute: Word; const ASecond: Word; const AMilliSecond: Word} [IsValidDateWeek |b Dateutils:: Check whether a given year/week/day of the week combination is a valid day (Boolean).] IsValidDateWeek(º|,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AWeekOfYear: Word; const ADayOfWeek: Word} [IsValidTime |b Dateutils:: Check whether a set of values is a valid time indication (Boolean).] IsValidTime(º|,,,) {? const AHour: Word; const AMinute: Word; const ASecond: Word; const AMilliSecond: Word} [JulianDateToDateTime |b Dateutils:: Convert a Julian date representation to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] JulianDateToDateTime(º|) {? const AValue: Double} [MilliSecondOf |b Dateutils:: Extract the millisecond part from a DateTime value (Word).] MilliSecondOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MilliSecondOfTheDay |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the day (LongWord)] MilliSecondOfTheDay(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MilliSecondOfTheHour |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the hour (LongWord)] MilliSecondOfTheHour(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MilliSecondOfTheMinute |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the minute (LongWord)] MilliSecondOfTheMinute(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MilliSecondOfTheMonth |b Dateutils:: Calculate number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the month (LongWord).] MilliSecondOfTheMonth(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MilliSecondOfTheSecond |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the second (Word)] MilliSecondOfTheSecond(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MilliSecondOfTheWeek |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the week (LongWord)] MilliSecondOfTheWeek(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MilliSecondOfTheYear |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start of the year (Int64).] MilliSecondOfTheYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MilliSecondsBetween |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of whole milliseconds between two DateTime values (Int64).] MilliSecondsBetween(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [MilliSecondSpan |b Dateutils:: Calculate the approximate number of milliseconds between two DateTime values (Double).] MilliSecondSpan(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [MinuteOf |b Dateutils:: Extract the minute part from a DateTime value (Word).] MinuteOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MinuteOfTheDay |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of minutes elapsed since the start of the day (Word)] MinuteOfTheDay(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MinuteOfTheHour |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of minutes elapsed since the start of the hour (Word)] MinuteOfTheHour(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MinuteOfTheMonth |b Dateutils:: Calculate number of minutes elapsed since the start of the month (Word).] MinuteOfTheMonth(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MinuteOfTheWeek |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of minutes elapsed since the start of the week (Word)] MinuteOfTheWeek(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MinuteOfTheYear |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of minutes elapsed since the start of the year (LongWord)] MinuteOfTheYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MinutesBetween |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of whole minutes between two DateTime values (Int64).] MinutesBetween(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [MinuteSpan |b Dateutils:: Calculate the approximate number of minutes between two DateTime values (Double).] MinuteSpan(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [ModifiedJulianDateToDateTime |b Dateutils:: Convert a modified Julian date representation to a TDateTime value (TDateTime).] ModifiedJulianDateToDateTime(º|) {? const AValue: Double} [MonthOf |b Dateutils:: Extract the month from a given date (Word).] MonthOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MonthOfTheYear |b Dateutils:: Extract the month of a DateTime indication (Word).] MonthOfTheYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [MonthsBetween |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of whole months between two DateTime values (Integer)] MonthsBetween(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [MonthSpan |b Dateutils:: Calculate the approximate number of months between two DateTime values (Double).] MonthSpan(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [NthDayOfWeek |b Dateutils:: Calculate which occurrence of weekday in the month a given day represents (Word)] NthDayOfWeek(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [PreviousDayOfWeek |b Dateutils:: Given a day of the week, return the previous day of the week (Word).] PreviousDayOfWeek(º|) {? DayOfWeek: Word} [RecodeDate |b Dateutils:: Replace date part of a TDateTime value with another date (TDateTime).] RecodeDate(º|,,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word} [RecodeDateTime |b Dateutils:: Replace selected parts of a TDateTime value with other values (TDateTime)] RecodeDateTime(º|,,,,,,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word; const AHour: Word; const AMinute: Word; const ASecond: Word; const AMilliSecond: Word} [RecodeDay |b Dateutils:: Replace day part of a TDateTime value with another day (TDateTime).] RecodeDay(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const ADay: Word} [RecodeHour |b Dateutils:: Replace hours part of a TDateTime value with another hour (TDateTime).] RecodeHour(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const AHour: Word} [RecodeMilliSecond |b Dateutils:: Replace milliseconds part of a TDateTime value with another millisecond (TDateTime).] RecodeMilliSecond(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const AMilliSecond: Word} [RecodeMinute |b Dateutils:: Replace minutse part of a TDateTime value with another minute (TDateTime).] RecodeMinute(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const AMinute: Word} [RecodeMonth |b Dateutils:: Replace month part of a TDateTime value with another month (TDateTime).] RecodeMonth(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const AMonth: Word} [RecodeSecond |b Dateutils:: Replace seconds part of a TDateTime value with another second (TDateTime)] RecodeSecond(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const ASecond: Word} [RecodeTime |b Dateutils:: Replace time part of a TDateTime value with another time (TDateTime).] RecodeTime(º|,,,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const AHour: Word; const AMinute: Word; const ASecond: Word; const AMilliSecond: Word} [RecodeYear |b Dateutils:: Replace year part of a TDateTime value with another year (TDateTime).] RecodeYear(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const AYear: Word} [SameDate |b Dateutils:: Check whether two TDateTime values have the same date part (Boolean).] SameDate(º|,) {? const A: TDateTime; const B: TDateTime} [SameDateTime |b Dateutils:: Check whether two TDateTime values have the same date and time parts (Boolean).] SameDateTime(º|,) {? const A: TDateTime; const B: TDateTime} [SameTime |b Dateutils:: Check whether two TDateTime values have the same time part (Boolean).] SameTime(º|,) {? const A: TDateTime; const B: TDateTime} [SecondOf |b Dateutils:: Extract the second part from a DateTime value (Word)] SecondOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [SecondOfTheDay |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the day (LongWord)] SecondOfTheDay(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [SecondOfTheHour |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the hour (Word)] SecondOfTheHour(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [SecondOfTheMinute |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the minute (Word)] SecondOfTheMinute(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [SecondOfTheMonth |b Dateutils:: Calculate number of seconds elapsed since the start of the month (LongWord)] SecondOfTheMonth(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [SecondOfTheWeek |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the week (LongWord)] SecondOfTheWeek(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [SecondOfTheYear |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the year (LongWord).] SecondOfTheYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [SecondsBetween |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of whole seconds between two DateTime values (Int64).] SecondsBetween(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [SecondSpan |b Dateutils:: Calculate the approximate number of seconds between two DateTime values (Double).] SecondSpan(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [StartOfADay |b Dateutils:: Return the start of a day as a DateTime value, given a day indication (TDateTime)] StartOfADay(º|,,) {? const AYear: Word; optional const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word} [StartOfAMonth |b Dateutils:: Return first date of month, given a year/month pair (TDateTime).] StartOfAMonth(º|,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word} [StartOfAWeek |b Dateutils:: Return a day of the week, given a year, week and day in the week (TDateTime).] StartOfAWeek(º|,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AWeekOfYear: Word; optional const ADayOfWeek: Word} [StartOfAYear |b Dateutils:: Return the first day of a given year (TDateTime).] StartOfAYear(º|) {? const AYear: Word} [StartOfTheDay |b Dateutils:: Calculate the start of the day as a DateTime value, given a moment in the day (TDateTime).] StartOfTheDay(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [StartOfTheMonth |b Dateutils:: Calculate the first day of the month, given a date in that month (TDateTime).] StartOfTheMonth(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [StartOfTheWeek |b Dateutils:: Return the first day of the week, given a date (TDateTime).] StartOfTheWeek(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [StartOfTheYear |b Dateutils:: Return the first day of the year, given a date in this year (TDateTime).] StartOfTheYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [TimeOf |b Dateutils:: Extract the time part from a DateTime indication (TDateTime)] function TimeOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [Today |b Dateutils:: Return the current date (TDateTime)] Today [Tomorrow |b Dateutils:: Return the next day (TDateTime)] Tomorrow [TryEncodeDateDay |b Dateutils:: Encode a year and day of year to a TDateTime value (Boolean)] TryEncodeDateDay(º|,,) {? const AYear: Word; const ADayOfYear: Word; var AValue: TDateTime} [TryEncodeDateMonthWeek |b Dateutils:: Encode a year, month, week of month and day of week to a TDateTime value (Boolean)] TryEncodeDateMonthWeek(º|,,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const AWeekOfMonth: Word; const ADayOfWeek: Word; var AValue: TDateTime} [TryEncodeDateTime |b Dateutils:: Encode a Year, Month, Day, Hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds tuplet to a TDateTime value (Boolean)] TryEncodeDateTime(º|,,,,,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word; const AHour: Word; const AMinute: Word; const ASecond: Word; const AMilliSecond: Word; var AValue: TDateTime} [TryEncodeDateWeek |b Dateutils:: Encode a year, week and day of week triplet to a TDateTime value (Boolean)] TryEncodeDateWeek(º|,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AWeekOfYear: Word; var AValue: TDateTime; optional const ADayOfWeek: Word} [TryEncodeDayOfWeekInMonth |b Dateutils:: Encode a year, month, week, day of week triplet to a TDateTime value (Boolean)] TryEncodeDayOfWeekInMonth(º|,,,,) {? const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ANthDayOfWeek: Word; const ADayOfWeek: Word; var AValue: TDateTime} [TryJulianDateToDateTime |b Dateutils:: Convert a Julian date representation to a TDateTime value (Boolean)] TryJulianDateToDateTime(º|,) {? const AValue: Double; var ADateTime: TDateTime} [TryModifiedJulianDateToDateTime |b Dateutils:: Convert a modified Julian date representation to a TDateTime value (Boolean)] TryModifiedJulianDateToDateTime(º|,) {? const AValue: Double; var ADateTime: TDateTime} [TryRecodeDateTime |b Dateutils:: Replace selected parts of a TDateTime value with other values (Boolean)] TryRecodeDateTime(º|,,,,,,,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; const AYear: Word; const AMonth: Word; const ADay: Word; const AHour: Word; const AMinute: Word; const ASecond: Word; const AMilliSecond: Word; var AResult: TDateTime} [UnixToDateTime |b Dateutils:: Convert Unix epoch time to a TDateTime value (TDateTime)] UnixToDateTime(º|) {? const AValue: Int64} [WeekOf |b Dateutils:: Extract week (of the year) from a given date (Word)] WeekOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [WeekOfTheMonth |b Dateutils:: Extract the week of the month (and optionally month and year) from a DateTime value (Word)] WeekOfTheMonth(º|,,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; optional var AYear: Word; var AMonth: Word} [WeekOfTheYear |b Dateutils:: Extract the week of the year (and optionally year) of a DateTime indication (Word)] WeekOfTheYear(º|,) {? const AValue: TDateTime; optional var AYear: Word} [WeeksBetween |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of whole weeks between two DateTime values (Integer)] WeeksBetween(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [WeeksInAYear |b Dateutils:: Return the number of weeks in a given year (Word)] WeeksInAYear(º|) {? const AYear: Word} [WeeksInYear |b Dateutils:: return the number of weeks in the year, given a date (Word)] WeeksInYear(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [WeekSpan |b Dateutils:: Calculate the approximate number of weeks between two DateTime values (Double)] WeekSpan(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [WithinPastDays |b Dateutils:: Check whether two datetimes are only a number of days apart (Boolean)] WithinPastDays(º|,,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime; const ADays: Integer} [WithinPastHours |b Dateutils:: Check whether two datetimes are only a number of hours apart (Boolean)] WithinPastHours(º|,,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime; const AHours: Int64} [WithinPastMilliSeconds |b Dateutils:: Check whether two datetimes are only a number of milliseconds apart (Boolean)] WithinPastMilliSeconds(º|,,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime; const AMilliSeconds: Int64} [WithinPastMinutes |b Dateutils:: Check whether two datetimes are only a number of minutes apart (Boolean)] WithinPastMinutes(º|,,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime; const AMinutes: Int64} [WithinPastMonths |b Dateutils:: Check whether two datetimes are only a number of months apart (Boolean)] WithinPastMonths(º|,,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime; const AMonths: Integer} [WithinPastSeconds |b Dateutils:: Check whether two datetimes are only a number of seconds apart (Boolean)] WithinPastSeconds(º|,,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime; const ASeconds: Int64} [WithinPastWeeks |b Dateutils:: Check whether two datetimes are only a number of weeks apart (Boolean)] WithinPastWeeks(º|,,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime; const AWeeks: Integer} [WithinPastYears |b Dateutils:: Check whether two datetimes are only a number of years apart (Boolean)] WithinPastYears(º|,,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime; const AYears: Integer} [YearOf |b Dateutils:: Extract the year from a given date (Word)] YearOf(º|) {? const AValue: TDateTime} [YearsBetween |b Dateutils:: Calculate the number of whole years between two DateTime values (Integer)] YearsBetween(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [YearSpan |b Dateutils:: Calculate the approximate number of years between two DateTime values (Double)] YearSpan(º|,) {? const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime} [Yesterday |b Dateutils:: Return the previous day (TDateTime).] Yesterday ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: Math ;============================================================================================== [EqualsValue |r Math::Values are the same] EqualsValue [GreaterThanValue |r Math::First values is greater than second value] GreaterThanValue [Infinity |r Math::Value is infinity] Infinity [LessThanValue |r Math::First value is less than second value] LessThanValue [MaxExtended |r Math::Maximum value of extended type] MaxExtended [MaxFloat |r Math::Maximum value of float type] MaxFloat [MinExtended |r Math::Minimum value (closest to zero) of extended type] MinExtended [MinFloat |r Math::Minimum value (closest to zero) of float type] MinFloat [NaN |r Math::Value is Not a Number] NaN [NegativeValue |r Math::Value is negative] NegativeValue [PositiveValue |r Math::Value is positive] PositiveValue [ZeroValue |r Math::Value is zero] ZeroValue [Float |p Math::Float type used in all calls] Float [PFloat |p Math::Pointer to Float type.] PFloat [PInteger |p Math::Pointer to integer type] PInteger [TFPUException |p Math::Type describing Floating Point processor exceptions.] TFPUException [TFPUExceptionMask |p Math::Type to set the Floating Point Unit exception mask.] TFPUExceptionMask [TFPUPrecisionMode |p Math::Type describing the default precision for the Floating Point processor.] TFPUPrecisionMode [TFPURoundingMode |p Math::Type describing the rounding mode for the Floating Point processor.] TFPURoundingMode [PaymentTime |p Math::Type used in financial (interest) calculations.] PaymentTime [TValueRelationship |p Math::Type to describe relational order between values] TValueRelationship [TValueSign |p Math::Type indicating sign of a valuea] TValueSign [Einvalidargument |g Math:: Exception raised when invalid arguments are passed to a function.] Einvalidargument [ArcCos |b Math:: Return inverse cosine (Float)] ArcCos(º|) {? x: float} [ArcCosh |b Math:: Return inverse hyperbolic cosine (Float)] ArcCosh(º|) {? x: float} [Arcosh |b Math:: Return inverse hyperbolic cosine (Float)] Arcosh(º|) {? x: float} [ArcSin |b Math:: Return inverse sine (Float)] ArcSin(º|) {? x: float} [ArcSinh |b Math:: Return inverse hyperbolic sine (Float)] ArcSinh(º|) {? x: float} [ArcTan2 |b Math:: Return arctangent of y/x (Float)] ArcTan2(º|) {? y: float; x: float} [ArcTanh |b Math:: Return inverse hyperbolic tangent (Float)] ArcTanh(º|) {? x: float} [Arsinh |b Math:: Return inverse hyperbolic sine (Float)] Arsinh(º|) {? x: float} [Artanh |b Math:: Return inverse hyperbolic tangent (Float)] Artanh(º|) {? x: float} [Ceil |b Math:: Return the lowest integer number greater than or equal to argument (Integer)] Ceil(º|) {? x: float} [ClearExceptions |b Math:: Clear Floating Point Unit exceptions] ClearExceptions(º|) {? RaisePending: Boolean} [Cosh |b Math:: Return hyperbolic cosine (Float)] Cosh(º|) {? x: float} [Cotan |b Math:: Return cotangent (Float)] Cotan(º|) {? x: float} [CycleToRad |b Math:: Convert cycle angle to radians angle (Float)] CycleToRad(º|) {? cycle: float} [DegToGrad |b Math:: Convert degree angle to grads angle (Float)] DegToGrad(º|) {? deg: float} [DegToRad |b Math:: Convert degree angle to radians angle (Float).] DegToRad(º|) {? deg: float} [DivMod |b Math:: Return DIV and MOD of arguments ] DivMod(º|,,,) {? Dividend: Integer; Divisor: Word; var Result: Word; var Remainder: Word} [EnsureRange |b Math:: Change value to it falls in specified range (Integer|Int64).] EnsureRange(º|,,) {? const AValue: Integer|Int64; const AMin: Integer|Int64; const AMax: Integer|Int64} [Floor |b Math:: Return the largest integer smaller than or equal to argument (Integer)] Floor(º|) {? x: float} [Frexp |b Math:: Return mantissa and exponent.] Frexp(º|,,) {? X: float; var Mantissa: float; var Exponent: Integer} [GetExceptionMask |b Math:: Get the Floating Point Unit exception mask (TFPUExceptionMask).] GetExceptionMask [GetPrecisionMode |b Math:: Return the Floating Point Unit precision mode (TFPUPrecisionMode).] GetPrecisionMode [GetRoundMode |b Math:: Return the Floating Point Unit rounding mode (TFPURoundingMode).] GetRoundMode [GetSSECSR |b Math:: Get MXCSR control word (Intel only) (DWord)] GetSSECSR [GradToDeg |b Math:: Convert grads angle to degrees angle (Float)] GradToDeg(º|) {? grad: float} [GradToRad |b Math:: Convert grads angle to radians angle (Float)] GradToRad(º|) {? grad: float} [Hypot |b Math:: Return hypotenuse of triangle (Float)] Hypot(º|,) {? x: float; y: float} [IfThen |b Math:: Return one of two values, depending on a boolean condition (Integer|Int64|Double)] IfThen(º|,,) {? val: Boolean; const iftrue: Integer|Int64|Double; const iffalse: Integer|Int64|Double} [InRange |b Math:: Check whether value is in range (Boolean).] InRange(º|,,) {? const AValue: Integer; const AMin: Integer|Int64; const AMax: Integer|Int64} [IntPower |b Math:: Return integer power (Float).] IntPower(º|,) {? base: float; const exponent: Integer} [IsInfinite |b Math:: Check whether value is infinite (Boolean)] IsInfinite(º|) {? const d: Double} [IsNan |b Math:: Check whether value is Not a Number (Boolean)] IsNan(º|) {? const d: Double} [IsZero |b Math:: Check whether value is zero (Boolean)] IsZero(º|,) {? const A: Single|Extended; optional Epsilon: Single|Extended} [LdExp |b Math:: Return (2 to the power p) times x (Float)] LdExp(º|,) {? x: float; const p: Integer} [Lnxp1 |b Math:: Return natural logarithm of 1+X (Float)] Lnxp1(º|) {? x: float} [Log10 |b Math:: Return 10-Based logarithm (Float).] Log10(º|) {? x: float} [Log2 |b Math:: Return 2-based logarithm (Float)] Log2(º|) {? x: float} [Logn |b Math:: Return N-based logarithm (Float).] Logn(º|,) {? n: float; x: float} [Max |b Math:: Return largest of 2 values (Integer|Cardinal|Int64|Extended)] Max(º|,) {? a: Integer|Cardinal|Int64|Extended; b: Integer|Cardinal|Int64|Extended} [MaxIntValue |b Math:: Return largest element in integer array (Integer)] MaxIntValue(º|) {? const Data: Array[] of Integer} [MaxValue |b Math:: Return largest value in array (Float|Integer)] MaxValue(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float|Array[] of integer|PFloat|PInteger; optional const N: Integer} [Mean |b Math:: Return mean value of array (Float)] Mean(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float | PFloat; optional const N: Longint} [MeanAndStdDev |b Math:: Return mean and standard deviation of array] MeanAndStdDev(º|,,,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; optional const N: Longint; var mean: float; var stddev: float} [Min |b Math:: Return smallest of two values (Integer|Cardinal|Int64|Extended).] Min(º|,) {? a: Integer|Cardinal|Int64|Extended; b: Integer|Cardinal|Int64|Extended} [MinIntValue |b Math:: Return smallest value in integer array (Integer)] MinIntValue(º|) {? const Data: Array[] of Integer} [MinValue |b Math:: Return smallest value in array (Float|Integer)] MinValue(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; optional const N: Integer} [MomentSkewKurtosis |b Math:: Return 4 first moments of distribution (Float)] MomentSkewKurtosis(º|,,,,,,,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; optional const N: Integer; var m1: float; var m2: float; var m3: float; var m4: float; var skew: float; var kurtosis: float} [Norm |b Math:: Return Euclidian norm (Float)] Norm(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; optional const N: Integer} [PopnStdDev |b Math:: Return population standard deviation (Float)] PopnStdDev(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; optional const N: Integer} [PopnVariance |b Math:: Return population variance (Float)] PopnVariance(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; const N: Integer} [Power |b Math:: Return real power (Float).] Power(º|,) {? base: float; exponent: float} [RadToCycle |b Math:: Convert radians angle to cycle angle (Float)] RadToCycle(º|) {? rad: float} [RadToDeg |b Math:: Convert radians angle to degrees angle (Float)] RadToDeg(º|) {? rad: float} [RadToGrad |b Math:: Convert radians angle to grads angle (Float)] RadToGrad(º|) {? rad: float} [Randg |b Math:: Return gaussian distributed random number (Float).] Randg(º|,) {? mean: float; stddev: float} [SameValue |b Math:: Check whether 2 float values are the same (Boolean)] SameValue(º|,,) {? const A: Extended|Single; const B: Extended|Single; optional Epsilon: Extended|Single} [SetExceptionMask |b Math:: Set the Floating Point Unit exception mask (TFPUExceptionMask).] SetExceptionMask(º|) {? const Mask: TFPUExceptionMask} [SetPrecisionMode |b Math:: Set the Floating Point Unit precision mode (TFPURoundingMode).] SetPrecisionMode(º|) {? const Precision: TFPUPrecisionMode} [SetRoundMode |b Math:: Set the Floating Point Unit rounding mode (TFPURoundingMode).] SetRoundMode(º|) {? const RoundMode: TFPURoundingMode} [SetSSECSR |b Math:: Set MXCSR control word (Intel only)] SetSSECSR(º|) {? w: dword} [Sign |b Math:: Return sign of argument (TValueSign)] Sign(º|) {? const AValue: Integer|Int64|Double} [SinCos |b Math:: Return sine and cosine of argument] SinCos(º|,,) {? theta: float; var sinus: float; var cosinus: float} [Sinh |b Math:: Return hyperbolic sine (Float)] Sinh(º|) {? x: float} [StdDev |b Math:: Return standard deviation of data (Float)] Stddev(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; optional const N: Integer} [Sum |b Math:: Return sum of values (Float)] Sum(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; const N: LongInt} [SumOfSquares |b Math:: Return sum of squares of values (Float)] SumOfSquares(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; const N: Integer} [SumsAndSquares |b Math:: Return sum and sum of squares of values.] SumsAndSquares(º|,,,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; optional const N: Integer; var sum: float; var sumofsquares: float} [Tan |b Math:: Return tangent (Float)] Tan(º|) {? x: float} [Tanh |b Math:: Return hyperbolic tangent (Float)] Tanh(º|) {? x: float} [TotalVariance |b Math:: Return total varians of values (Float)] TotalVariance(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of float|PFloat; const N: Integer} [Variance |b Math:: Return variance of values (Float)] Variance(º|,) {? const data: Array[] of Float| PFloat; optional const n: Integer} ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: Dynlibs ;============================================================================================== [NilHandle |r Dynlibs:: Correctly typed Nil handle - returned on error by LoadLibrary] NilHandle [HModule |p Dynlibs:: Alias for TLibHandle type.] HModule [TLibHandle |p Dynlibs:: Library handle type] TLibHandle [FreeLibrary |b Dynlibs:: For compatibility with Delphi/Windows: Unload a library (Boolean)] FreeLibrary(º|) {? Lib: TLibHandle} [GetProcAddress |b Dynlibs:: For compatibility with Delphi/Windows: Get the address of a procedure (Pointer)] GetProcAddress(º|,) {? Lib: TLibHandle; ProcName: AnsiString} [GetProcedureAddress |b Dynlibs:: Get the address of a procedure or symbol in a dynamic library (Pointer).] GetProcedureAddress(º|,) {? Lib: TLibHandle; ProcName: AnsiString} [LoadLibrary |b Dynlibs:: Load a dynamic library and return a handle to it (TLibHandle).] LoadLibrary(º|) {? Name: AnsiString} [UnloadLibrary |b Dynlibs:: Unload a previously loaded library (Boolean)] UnloadLibrary(º|) {? Lib: TLibHandle} ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: Strings ;============================================================================================== [StrAlloc |b Strings:: Allocate memory for a new null-terminated string on the heap (PChar)] StrAlloc(º|) {? L: SizeInt} [StrCat |b Strings:: Concatenate 2 null-terminated strings (PChar).] StrCat(º|,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar} [StrComp |b Strings:: Compare 2 null-terminated strings, case sensitive (SizeInt).] StrComp(º|,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar} [StrCopy |b Strings:: Copy a null-terminated string (PChar)] StrCopy(º|,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar} [StrDispose |b Strings:: disposes of a null-terminated string on the heap (PChar)] StrDispose(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrECopy |b Strings:: Copy a null-terminated string, return a pointer to the end (PChar).] StrECopy(º|,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar} [StrEnd |b Strings:: Return a pointer to the end of a null-terminated string (PChar)] StrEnd(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrIComp |b Strings:: Compare 2 null-terminated strings, case insensitive (SizeInt).] StrIComp(º|,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar} [StrLCat |b Strings:: Concatenate 2 null-terminated strings, with length boundary (PChar).] StrLCat(º|,,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar;l: SizeInt} [StrLComp |b Strings:: Compare limited number of characters of 2 null-terminated strings (SizeInt)] StrLComp(º|,,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar; l: SizeInt} [StrLCopy |b Strings:: Copy a null-terminated string, limited in length (PChar).] StrLCopy(º|,,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar; maxlen: SizeInt} [StrLen |b Strings:: Length of a null-terminated string (SizeInt).] StrLen(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrLIComp |b Strings:: Compare limited number of characters in 2 null-terminated strings, ignoring case (SizeInt).] StrLIComp(º|,,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar; l: SizeInt} [StrLower |b Strings:: Convert null-terminated string to all-lowercase (PChar).] StrLower(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrMove |b Strings:: Move a null-terminated string to new location (PChar).] StrMove(º|,,) {? dest: pchar; source: pchar; l: SizeInt} [StrNew |b Strings:: Allocate room for new null-terminated string (PChar).] StrNew(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrPas |b Strings:: Convert a null-terminated string to a shortstring (ShortString).] StrPas(º|) {? p: pchar} [StrPCopy |b Strings:: Copy a pascal string to a null-terminated string (PChar)] StrPCopy(º|,) {? d: pchar; const s: String} [StrPos |b Strings:: Search for a null-terminated substring in a null-terminated string (PChar)] StrPos(º|,) {? str1: pchar; str2: pchar} [StrRScan |b Strings:: Find last occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string (PChar).] StrRScan(º|,) {? p: pchar; c: Char} [StrScan |b Strings:: Find first occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string (PChar).] StrScan(º|,) {? p: pchar; c: Char} [StrUpper |b Strings:: Convert null-terminated string to all-uppercase (PChar)] StrUpper(º|) {? p: pchar} ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: Strutils ;============================================================================================== [AnsiResemblesProc |r Strutils:: Procedural variable, called when checking 2 strings for resemblances in AnsiResemblesText] AnsiResemblesProc [Brackets |r Strutils:: Set of characters that contain all possible bracket characters] Brackets [DigitChars |r Strutils:: Set of digit characters] DigitChars [StdSwitchChars |r Strutils:: Standard characters for the SwitchChars argument of GetCmdLineArg.] StdSwitchChars [StdWordDelims |r Strutils:: Standard word delimiter values.] StdWordDelims [WordDelimiters |r Strutils:: Standard word delimiters] WordDelimiters [TCompareTextProc |p Strutils:: Function prototype for comparing two string in AnsiResemblesText] TCompareTextProc [TSoundexIntLength |p Strutils:: Range of allowed integer soundex lengths.] TSoundexIntLength [TSoundexLength |p Strutils:: Range of allowed soundex lengths.] TSoundexLength [TStringSeachOption |p Strutils:: Possible options for SearchBuf call.] TStringSeachOption [TStringSearchOption |p Strutils:: Possible options for SearchBuf call.] TStringSearchOption [TStringSearchOptions |p Strutils:: Set of options for SearchBuf call.] TStringSearchOptions [AddChar |b Strutils:: Add characters to the left of a string till a certain length (String)] AddChar(º|,,) {? C: Char; const S: String; N: Integer} [AddCharR |b Strutils:: Add chars at the end of a string till it reaches a certain length (String)] AddCharR(º|,,) {? C: Char; const S: String; N: Integer} [AnsiContainsStr |b Strutils:: Checks whether a string contains a given substring (Boolean)] AnsiContainsStr(º|,) {? const AText: String; const ASubText: String} [AnsiContainsText |b Strutils:: Check whether a string contains a certain substring, ignoring case (Boolean).] AnsiContainsText(º|,) {? const AText: String; const ASubText: String} [AnsiEndsStr |b Strutils:: Check whether a string ends with a certain substring (Boolean)] AnsiEndsStr(º|,) {? const ASubText: String; const AText: String} [AnsiEndsText |b Strutils:: Check whether a string ends with a certain substring, ignoring case (Boolean).] AnsiEndsText(º|,) {? const ASubText: String; const AText: String} [AnsiIndexStr |b Strutils:: Searches, observing case, for a string in an array of strings (Integer).] AnsiIndexStr(º|,) {? const AText: String; const AValues: Array[] of String} [AnsiIndexText |b Strutils:: Searches, case insensitive, for a string in an array of strings (Integer).] AnsiIndexText(º|,) {? const AText: String; const AValues: Array[] of String} [AnsiLeftStr |b Strutils:: Copies a number of characters starting at the left of a string (AnsiString)] AnsiLeftStr(º|,) {? const AText: AnsiString; const ACount: Integer} [AnsiMatchStr |b Strutils:: Check whether a string occurs in an array of strings, observing case (Boolean).] AnsiMatchStr(º|,) {? const AText: String; const AValues: Array[] of String} [AnsiMatchText |b Strutils:: Check whether a string occurs in an array of strings, disregarding case (Boolean).] AnsiMatchText(º|,) {? const AText: String; const AValues: Array[] of String} [AnsiMidStr |b Strutils:: Returns a number of characters copied from a given location in a string (AnsiString)] AnsiMidStr(º|,,) {? const AText: AnsiString; const AStart: Integer; const ACount: Integer} [AnsiProperCase |b Strutils:: Pretty-Print a string: make lowercase and capitalize first letters of words (String)] AnsiProperCase(º|,) {? const S: String; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet} [AnsiReplaceStr |b Strutils:: Search and replace all occurrences of a string, case sensitive (String).] AnsiReplaceStr(º|,,) {? const AText: String; const AFromText: String; const AToText: String} [AnsiReplaceText |b Strutils:: Search and replace all occurrences of a string, case sensitive (String).] AnsiReplaceText(º|,,) {? const AText: String; const AFromText: String; const AToText: String} [AnsiResemblesText |b Strutils:: Check whether 2 strings resemble each other (Boolean).] AnsiResemblesText(º|,) {? const AText: String; const AOther: String} [AnsiReverseString |b Strutils:: Reverse the letters in a string (AnsiString).] AnsiReverseString(º|) {? const AText: AnsiString} [AnsiRightStr |b Strutils:: Copies a number of characters starting at the right of a string (AnsiString)] AnsiRightStr(º|,) {? const AText: AnsiString; const ACount: Integer} [AnsiStartsStr |b Strutils:: Check whether a string starts with a given substring, observing case (Boolean)] AnsiStartsStr(º|,) {? const ASubText: String; const AText: String} [AnsiStartsText |b Strutils:: Check whether a string starts with a given substring, ignoring case (Boolean)] AnsiStartsText(º|,) {? const ASubText: String; const AText: String} [BinToHex |b Strutils:: Convert a binary buffer to a hexadecimal string] BinToHex(º|,,) {? BinValue: PChar; HexValue: PChar; BinBufSize: Integer} [Copy2Space |b Strutils:: Returns all characters in a string till the first space character (not included) (String).] Copy2Space(º|) {? const S: String} [Copy2SpaceDel |b Strutils:: Deletes and returns all characters in a string till the first space character (not included) (String).] Copy2SpaceDel(º|) {? var S: String} [Copy2Symb |b Strutils:: Returns all characters in a string till a given character (not included) (String).] Copy2Symb(º|,) {? const S: String; Symb: Char} [Copy2SymbDel |b Strutils:: Deletes and returns all characters in a string till a given character (not included) (String).] Copy2SymbDel(º|,) {? var S: String; Symb: Char} [Dec2Numb |b Strutils:: Convert a decimal number to a string representation, using given a base (String).] Dec2Numb(º|,,) {? N: LongInt; Len: Byte; Base: Byte} [DecodeSoundexInt |b Strutils:: Decodes the integer representation of a soundex code and returns the original soundex code (String).] DecodeSoundexInt(º|) {? AValue: Integer} [DecodeSoundexWord |b Strutils:: Decodes the word-sized representation of a soundex code and returns the original soundex code (String).] DecodeSoundexWord(º|) {? AValue: Word} [DelChars |b Strutils:: Delete all occurrences of a given character from a string (String).] DelChars(º|) {? const S: String; Chr: Char} [DelSpace |b Strutils:: Delete all occurrences of a space from a string (String).] DelSpace(º|) {? const S: String} [DelSpace1 |b Strutils:: Reduces sequences of space characters to 1 space character (String).] DelSpace1(º|) {? const S: String} [DupeString |b Strutils:: Creates and concatenates N copies of a string (String)] DupeString(º|,) {? const AText: String; ACount: Integer} [ExtractDelimited |b Strutils:: Extract the N-th delimited part from a string (String).] ExtractDelimited(º|,,) {? N: Integer; const S: String; const Delims: TSysCharSet} [ExtractSubstr |b Strutils:: Extract a word from a string, starting at a given position in the string (String).] ExtractSubstr(º|,,) {? const S: String; var Pos: Integer; const Delims: TSysCharSet} [ExtractWord |b Strutils:: Extract the N-th word out of a string (String).] ExtractWord(º|,,) {? N: Integer; const S: String; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet} [ExtractWordPos |b Strutils:: Extract a word from a string, and return the position where it was located in the string (String).] ExtractWordPos(º|,) {? N: Integer; const S: String; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet; var Pos: Integer} [FindPart |b Strutils:: Search for a substring in a string, using wildcards (Integer).] FindPart(º|,) {? const HelpWilds: String; const InputStr: String} [GetCmdLineArg |b Strutils:: Returns the command-line argument following the given switch (String).] GetCmdLineArg(º|,) {? const Switch: String; SwitchChars: TSysCharSet} [Hex2Dec |b Strutils:: Converts a hexadecimal string to a decimal value (LongInt)] Hex2Dec(º|) {? const S: String} [HexToBin |b Strutils:: Convert a hexadecimal string to a binary buffer (Integer)] HexToBin(º|,,) {? HexValue: PChar; BinValue: PChar; BinBufSize: Integer} [IfThen |b Strutils:: Returns one of two strings, depending on a boolean expression (String)] IfThen(º|,,) {? AValue: Boolean; const ATrue: String; optional AFalse: String} [IntToBin |b Strutils:: Converts an integer to a binary string representation, inserting spaces at fixed locations (String).] IntToBin(º|,,) {? Value: LongInt; Digits: Integer; Spaces: Integer} [IntToRoman |b Strutils:: Represent an integer with roman numerals (String)] IntToRoman(º|) {? Value: LongInt} [IsEmptyStr |b Strutils:: Check whether a string is empty, disregaring whitespace characters (Boolean)] IsEmptyStr(º|,,) {? const S: String; const EmptyChars: TSysCharSet} [IsWild |b Strutils:: Check whether a string matches a wildcard search expression (Boolean).] IsWild(º|,,) {? InputStr: String; Wilds: String; IgnoreCase: Boolean} [IsWordPresent |b Strutils:: Check for the presence of a word in a string (Boolean).] IsWordPresent(º|,,) {? const W: String; const S: String; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet} [LeftBStr |b Strutils:: Copies Count characters starting at the left of a string (AnsiString).] LeftBStr(º|,) {? const AText: AnsiString; const AByteCount: Integer} [LeftStr |b Strutils:: Copies Count characters starting at the left of a string (AnsiString|WideString).] LeftStr(º|,) {? const AText: AnsiString|WideString; const ACount: Integer} [MidBStr |b Strutils:: Copies a number of characters starting at a given position in a string (AnsiString).] MidBStr(º|,,) {? const AText: AnsiString; const AByteStart: Integer; const AByteCount: Integer} [MidStr |b Strutils:: Copies a number of characters starting at a given position in a string (AnsiString|WideString).] MidStr(º|,,) {? const AText: AnsiString|WideString; const AStart: Integer; const ACount: Integer} [NPos |b Strutils:: Returns the position of the N-th occurence of a substring in a string (Integer).] NPos(º|,,) {? const C: String; S: String; N: Integer} [Numb2Dec |b Strutils:: Converts a string representation of a number to its numerical value, given a certain base (LongInt).] Numb2Dec(º|,) {? S: String; Base: Byte} [Numb2USA |b Strutils:: Insert thousand separators (String).] Numb2USA(º|) {? const S: String} [PadCenter |b Strutils:: Pad the string to a certain length, so the string is centered (String).] PadCenter(º|,) {? const S: String; Len: Integer} [PadLeft |b Strutils:: Add spaces to the left of a string till a certain length is reached (String).] PadLeft(º|,) {? const S: String; N: Integer} [PadRight |b Strutils:: Add spaces to the right of a string till a certain length is reached (String).] PadRight(º|,) {? const S: String; N: Integer} [PosEx |b Strutils:: Search for the occurance of a character in a string, starting at a certain position (Integer).] PosEx(º|,,) {? const SubStr: String|Char; const S: String; optional Offset: Cardinal); [RandomFrom |b Strutils:: Choose a random string from an array of strings (String).] RandomFrom(º|) {? const AValues: Array[] of String} [ReverseString |b Strutils:: Reverse characters in a string (String)] ReverseString(º|) {? const AText: String} [RightBStr |b Strutils:: Copy a given number of characters (bytes), counting from the right of a string (AnsiString).] RightBStr(º|,) {? const AText: AnsiString; const AByteCount: Integer} [RightStr |b Strutils:: Copy a given number of characters, counting from the right of a string (AnsiString|Widestring).] RightStr(º|,) {? const AText: AnsiString|WideString; const ACount: Integer} [RomanToInt |b Strutils:: Convert a string with a Roman number to it's decimal value (LongInt).] RomanToInt(º|) {? const S: String} [RPos |b Strutils:: Find last occurrence of substring or character in a string (Integer)] RPos(º|,) {? c: Char|Ansistring; const S: AnsiString} [RPosex |b Strutils:: Find last occurrence substring or character in a string, starting at a certain position (Integer)] RPosEX(º|,,) {? C: Char|Ansistring; const S: AnsiString; offs: cardinal} [SearchBuf |b Strutils:: Search a buffer for a certain string (PChar).] SearchBuf(º|,,,,,) {? Buf: PChar; BufLen: Integer; SelStart: Integer; SelLength: Integer; SearchString: String; optional Options: TStringSearchOptions} [Soundex |b Strutils:: Compute the soundex of a string (String)] Soundex(º|,) {? const AText: String; optional ALength: TSoundexLength} [SoundexCompare |b Strutils:: Compare soundex values of 2 strings (Integer).] SoundexCompare(º|,,) {? const AText: String; const AOther: String; optional ALength: TSoundexLength} [SoundexInt |b Strutils:: Soundex value as an integer (Integer).] SoundexInt(º|,) {? const AText: String; optional ALength: TSoundexIntLength} [SoundexProc |b Strutils:: Default AnsiResemblesText implementation (Boolean).] SoundexProc(º|,) {? const AText: String; const AOther: String} [SoundexSimilar |b Strutils:: Check whether 2 strings have equal soundex values (Boolean)] SoundexSimilar(º|,,) {? const AText: String; const AOther: String; optional ALength: TSoundexLength} [SoundexWord |b Strutils:: Calculate a word-sized soundex value (Word)] SoundexWord(º|) {? const AText: String} [StuffString |b Strutils:: Replace part of a string with another string (String).] StuffString(º|,,,) {? const AText: String; AStart: Cardinal; ALength: Cardinal; const ASubText: String} [Tab2Space |b Strutils:: Convert tab characters to a number of spaces (String)] Tab2Space(º|,) {? const S: String; Numb: Byte} [WordCount |b Strutils:: Count the number of words in a string (Integer).] WordCount(º|,) {? const S: String; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet} [WordPosition |b Strutils:: Search position of Nth word in a string (Integer).] WordPosition(º|,,) {? const N: Integer; const S: String; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet} [XorDecode |b Strutils:: Decode a string encoded with XorEncode (String)] XorDecode(º|,) {? const Key: String; const Source: String} [XorEncode |b Strutils:: Encode a string by XOR-ing its characters using characters of a given key, representing the result as hex values (String).] XorEncode(º|,) {? const Key: String; const Source: String} [XorString |b Strutils:: Encode a string by XOR-ing its characters using characters of a given key (ShortString).] XorString(º|,) {? const Key: ShortString; const Src: ShortString} ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: Objpas ;============================================================================================== [MaxInt |r Objpas:: Maximum value for Integer type.] MaxInt [Integer |p Objpas:: Redefinition of integer as 32-bit type.] Integer [IntegerArray |p Objpas:: Generic array of integer] IntegerArray [PInteger |p Objpas:: Pointer to Integer type.] PInteger [PIntegerArray |p Objpas:: Pointer to TIntegerArray type.] PIntegerArray [PointerArray |p Objpas:: Generic Array of pointers.] PointerArray [PPointerArray |p Objpas:: Pointer to PointerArray] PPointerArray [PResStringRec |p Objpas:: Pointer to ansistring (Delphi compatibility).] PResStringRec [PString |p Objpas:: Pointer to ansistring type.] PString [TBoundArray |p Objpas:: Array of integer, used in interfaces.] TBoundArray [TIntegerArray |p Objpas:: Alias for IntegerArray] TIntegerArray [TPointerArray |p Objpas:: Alias for PointerArray] TPointerArray [TResourceIterator |p Objpas:: Enumeration callback type for resource strings] TResourceIterator [TResStringRec |p Objpas:: Ansistring record in resource table (Delphi compatibility).] TResStringRec [AssignFile |b Objpas:: Assign text or untyped file] AssignFile(º|,) {? var f: File|Text|TypedFile; const Name: String|PChar|Char} [CloseFile |b Objpas:: Close text or untyped file ] CloseFile(º|) {? var f: File|Text} [GetResourceStringCurrentValue |b Objpas:: Return current value of resourcestring (AnsiString)] GetResourceStringCurrentValue(º|,) {? TableIndex: LongInt; StringIndex: LongInt} [GetResourceStringDefaultValue |b Objpas:: Return default (original) value of resourcestring (AnsiString)] GetResourceStringDefaultValue(º|,) {? TableIndex: LongInt; StringIndex: LongInt} [GetResourceStringHash |b Objpas:: Return hash value of resource string (LongInt)] GetResourceStringHash(º|,) {? TableIndex: LongInt; StringIndex: LongInt} [GetResourceStringName |b Objpas:: Return name of resource string (AnsiString).] GetResourceStringName(º|,) {? TableIndex: LongInt; StringIndex: LongInt} [Hash |b Objpas:: Create GNU Gettext hash value for a string (Longint)] Hash(º|) {? S: AnsiString} [LoadResString |b Objpas:: Load resource string (AnsiString)] LoadResString(º|) {? p: PResStringRec} [ParamStr |b Objpas:: Return command-line parameter (AnsiString)] ParamStr(º|) {? Param: Integer} [ResetResourceTables |b Objpas:: Restore all resource strings to their declared values} ResetResourceTables [ResourceStringCount |b Objpas:: Return number of resource strins in table (Longint)] ResourceStringCount(º|) {? TableIndex: LongInt} [ResourceStringTableCount |b Objpas:: Return number of resource string tables (Longint)] ResourceStringTableCount [SetResourceStrings |b Objpas:: Set values of all resource strings.] SetResourceStrings(º|) {? SetFunction: TResourceIterator} [SetResourceStringValue |b Objpas:: Set value of a resource string (Boolean)] SetResourceStringValue(º|,,) {? TableIndex: LongInt; StringIndex: LongInt; Value: Ansistring} ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: Typinfo ;============================================================================================== [EPropertyError |g Typinfo:: Exception raised in case of an error in one of the functions.] EPropertyError [BooleanIdents |r Typinfo:: Names for boolean values] BooleanIdents [DotSep |r Typinfo:: Name separator character] DotSep [OnGetPropValue |r Typinfo:: Callback to get a property value as a variant.] OnGetPropValue [OnGetVariantprop |r Typinfo:: Callback to get a variant property value.] OnGetVariantprop [OnSetPropValue |r Typinfo:: Callback to set a property value as a variant.] OnSetPropValue [OnSetVariantprop |r Typinfo:: Callback to set a variant property value.] OnSetVariantprop [ptConst |r Typinfo:: Constant used in acces method] ptConst [ptField |r Typinfo:: Property acces directly from field] ptField [ptStatic |r Typinfo:: Property acces via static method] ptStatic [ptVirtual |r Typinfo:: Property acces via virtual method] ptVirtual [tkAny |r Typinfo:: Any property type] tkAny [tkMethods |r Typinfo:: Only method properties. (event handlers)] tkMethods [tkProperties |r Typinfo:: Real properties. (not methods)] tkProperties [tkString |r Typinfo:: Alias for the tsSString enumeration value] tkString [PPropInfo |p Typinfo:: Pointer to TPropInfo record] PPropInfo [PPropList |p Typinfo:: Pointer to TPropList] PPropList [PPTypeInfo |p Typinfo:: Pointer to PTypeInfo pointer] PPTypeInfo [PTypeData |p Typinfo:: Pointer to TTypeData record.] PTypeData [PTypeInfo |p Typinfo:: Pointer to TTypeInfo record] PTypeInfo [TFloatType |p Typinfo:: The size of a float type.] TFloatType [TGetPropValue |p Typinfo:: Callback type for the OnGetPropValue callback event] TGetPropValue [TGetVariantProp |p Typinfo:: Callback type for the OnGetVariantProp callback event] TGetVariantProp [TIntfFlag |p Typinfo:: Type of interface.] TIntfFlag [TIntfFlags |p Typinfo:: Set of TIntfFlag.] TIntfFlags [TIntfFlagsBase |p Typinfo:: Set of TIntfFlag.] TIntfFlagsBase [TMethodKind |p Typinfo:: Method type description] TMethodKind [TOrdType |p Typinfo:: Alias for TTordType.] TOrdType [TParamFlags |p Typinfo:: The kind of parameter for a method] TParamFlags [TProcInfoProc |p Typinfo:: Property info callback method] TProcInfoProc [TPropData |p Typinfo:: Property data record] TPropData [TPropInfo |p Typinfo:: Record describing one published property of a class] TPropInfo [TPropList |p Typinfo:: Array of property information pointers] TPropList [TSetPropValue |p Typinfo:: Callback type for the OnSetPropValue callback event] TSetPropValue [TSetVariantProp |p Typinfo:: Callback type for the OnSetVariantProp callback event] TSetVariantProp [TTypeData |p Typinfo:: Class properties type data record.] TTypeData [TTypeInfo |p Typinfo:: Type information record] TTypeInfo [TTypeKind |p Typinfo:: Type of a property.] TTypeKind [TTypeKinds |p Typinfo:: Set of TTypeKind enumeration.] TTypeKinds [Variant |p Typinfo:: Dummy type. Do not use.] Variant [FindPropInfo |b Typinfo:: Return property information by property name (PPropInfo).] function FindPropInfo(º|,) {? Instance: TObject|TClass; const PropName: String} [GetEnumName |b Typinfo:: Return name of enumeration constant (String).] GetEnumName(º|,) {? TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; Value: Integer} [GetEnumProp |b Typinfo:: Return the value of an enumeration type property (String).] GetEnumProp(º|,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo} [GetEnumValue |b Typinfo:: Get ordinal value for enumerated type by name (Integer)] GetEnumValue(º|,) {? TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Name: String} [GetFloatProp |b Typinfo:: Return value of floating point property (Extended)] GetFloatProp(º|,) {? Instance: TObject; const PropName: String|PPropInfo) [GetInt64Prop |b Typinfo:: return value of an Int64 property (Int64)] GetInt64Prop(º|,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo} [GetMethodProp |b Typinfo:: Return value of a method property (TMethod)] GetMethodProp(º|,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo} [GetObjectProp |b Typinfo:: Return value of an object-type property (TObject).] GetObjectProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; optional MinClass: TClass} [GetObjectPropClass |b Typinfo:: Return class of property (TClass).] GetObjectPropClass(º|,) {? Instance: TObject; const PropName: String} [GetOrdProp |b Typinfo:: Get the value of an ordinal property (Int64)] GetOrdProp(º|,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo} [GetPropInfo |b Typinfo:: Return property type information, by property name (PPropInfo).] GetPropInfo(º|,) {? TypeInfo: PTypeInfo|TObject|TClass; const PropName: String} [GetPropInfos |b Typinfo:: Return a list of published properties.] GetPropInfos(º|,) {? TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; PropList: PPropList} [GetPropList |b Typinfo:: Return a list of a certain type of published properties (LongInt|SizeInt).] GetPropList(º|,,,) {? TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; optional TypeKinds: TTypeKinds; PropList: PPropList; optional Sorted: Boolean} [GetPropValue |b Typinfo:: Get property value as a string (Variant).] GetPropValue(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const PropName: String; optional PreferStrings: Boolean} [GetSetProp |b Typinfo:: Return the value of a set property (String).] GetSetProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; optional Brackets: Boolean} [GetStrProp |b Typinfo:: Return the value of a string property (String|AnsiString).] GetStrProp(º|,) {? Instance: TObject; const PropName: String|PPropInfo} [GetTypeData |b Typinfo:: Return a pointer to type data, based on type information (PTypeData).] GetTypeData(º|) {? TypeInfo: PTypeInfo} [GetVariantProp |b Typinfo:: Return the value of a variant property (Variant).] GetVariantProp(º|,) {? Instance: TObject; const PropName: String|PPropInfo} [IsPublishedProp |b Typinfo:: Check whether a published property exists (Boolean).] IsPublishedProp(º|,) {? Instance: TObject|TClass; const PropName: String} [IsStoredProp |b Typinfo:: Check whether a property is stored (Boolean).] IsStoredProp(º|,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo} [PropIsType |b Typinfo:: Check the type of a published property (Boolean).] PropIsType(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject|TClass; const PropName: String; TypeKind: TTypeKind} [PropType |b Typinfo:: Return the type of a property (TTypeKind)] PropType(º|,) {? Instance: TObject|TClass; const PropName: String} [SetEnumProp |b Typinfo:: Set value of an enumerated-type property] SetEnumProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; const Value: String} [SetFloatProp |b Typinfo:: Set value of a float property.] SetFloatProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; Value: Extended} [SetInt64Prop |b Typinfo:: Set value of a Int64 property] SetInt64Prop(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; const Value: Int64} [SetMethodProp |b Typinfo:: Set the value of a method property] SetMethodProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; const Value: TMethod} [SetObjectProp |b Typinfo:: Set the value of an object-type property.] SetObjectProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; Value: TObject} [SetOrdProp |b Typinfo:: Set value of an ordinal property] SetOrdProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; Value: Int64} [SetPropValue |b Typinfo:: Set property value as variant] SetPropValue(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const PropName: String; const Value: Variant} [SetSetProp |b Typinfo:: Set value of set-typed property.] SetSetProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; const Value: String} [SetStrProp |b Typinfo:: Set value of a string property] SetStrProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; const Value: AnsiString} [SetToString |b Typinfo:: Convert set to a string description (String)] SetToString(º|,,) {? PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: Integer; optional Brackets: Boolean} [SetVariantProp |b Typinfo:: Set value of a variant property] SetVariantProp(º|,,) {? Instance: TObject; const Prop: String|PPropInfo; const Value: Variant} [StringToSet |b Typinfo:: Convert string description to a set (Integer).] StringToSet(º|,) {? PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: String} ;============================================================================================== ; Unit: Classes ;============================================================================================== [BitShift |r Classes:: Used to calculate the size of a bits array] BitShift [FilerSignature |r Classes:: Constant that is found at the start of a binary stream containing a streamed component. ] FilerSignature [fmCreate |r Classes:: TFileStream.Create creates a new file if needed. ] fmCreate [fmOpenRead |r Classes:: TFileStream.Create opens a file with read-only access. ] fmOpenRead [fmOpenReadWrite |r Classes:: TFileStream.Create opens a file with read-write access. ] fmOpenReadWrite [fmOpenWrite |r Classes:: TFileStream.Create opens a file with write-only access. ] fmOpenWrite [Mask |r Classes:: Bitmask with all bits on.] Mask [MaxBitFlags |r Classes:: Maximum number of bits in TBits collection.] MaxBitFlags [MaxBitRec |r Classes:: Maximum number of bit records in TBits.] MaxBitRec [MaxListSize |r Classes:: Maximum number of elemens in list. ] MaxListSize [scAlt |r Classes:: Indicates ALT key in a keyboard shortcut. ] scAlt [scCtrl |r Classes:: indicates CTRL key in a keyboard shortcut. ] scCtrl [scNone |r Classes:: Indicates no special key is presed in a keyboard shortcut. ] scNone [scShift |r Classes:: Indicates Shift key in a keyboard shortcut. ] scShift [soFromBeginning |r Classes:: Seek starts relative to the stream origin. ] soFromBeginning [soFromCurrent |r Classes:: Seek starts relative to the current position in the stream. ] soFromCurrent [soFromEnd |r Classes:: Seek starts relative to the stream end. ] soFromEnd [toEOF |r Classes:: Value returned by TParser.Token when the end of the input stream was reached. ] toEOF [toFloat |r Classes:: Value returned by TParser.Token when a floating point value was found in the input stream. ] toFloat [toInteger |r Classes:: Value returned by TParser.Token when an integer was found in the input stream. ] toInteger [toString |r Classes:: Value returned by TParser.Token when a string was found in the input stream. ] toString [toSymbol |r Classes:: Value returned by TParser.Token when a symbol was found in the input stream. ] toSymbol [HModule |p Classes:: Special type for handling modules.] HModule [HRsrc |p Classes:: Type to manage resources] HRsrc [PPointerList |p Classes:: Pointer to an array of pointers.] PPointerList [PStringItem |p Classes:: Pointer to a TStringItem record. ] PStringItem [PStringItemList |p Classes:: Pointer to a TStringItemList.] PStringItemList [TActiveXRegType |p Classes:: Used when registering ActveX component types.] TActiveXRegType [TAlignment |p Classes:: Type to specify text alignment in controls that display text.] TAlignment [TAncestorNotFoundEvent |p Classes:: This event occurs when an ancestor component cannot be found.] TAncestorNotFoundEvent [TBasicActionClass |p Classes:: TBasicAction class reference.] TBasicActionClass [TBasicActionLinkClass |p Classes:: TBasicActionLink class reference.] TBasicActionLinkClass [TBitArray |p Classes:: Array to store bits.] TBitArray [TCollectionItemClass |p Classes:: Class reference for TCollectionItem.] TCollectionItemClass [TCollectionNotification |p Classes:: Collection change notifcation enumeration.] TCollectionNotification [TComponentClass |p Classes:: Class of TComponent] TComponentClass [TComponentName |p Classes:: Special type for component names.] TComponentName [TComponentState |p Classes:: Indicates the state of the component during the streaming process.] TComponentState [TComponentStyle |p Classes:: Describes the style of the component.] TComponentStyle [TCreateComponentEvent |p Classes:: Event handler type, occurs when a component instance must be created when a component is read from a stream.] TCreateComponentEvent [TDuplicates |p Classes:: Type to describe what to do with duplicate values in a TStringlist.] TDuplicates [TFilerFlag |p Classes:: Flags used by the TFiler class] TFilerFlag [TFilerFlags |p Classes:: Set of TFilerFlag] TFilerFlags [TFindAncestorEvent |p Classes:: Event that occurs w] TFindAncestorEvent [TFindComponentClassEvent |p Classes:: Event handler type, occurs when a component class pointer must be found when reading a component from a stream.] TFindComponentClassEvent [TFindGlobalComponent |p Classes:: Callback type to search for a component.] TFindGlobalComponent [TFindMethodEvent |p Classes:: Occurs when the streaming process needs to locate a method] TFindMethodEvent [TGetChildProc |p Classes:: Callback used when obtaining child components.] TGetChildProc [TGetStrProc |p Classes:: Event for retrieving string values. ] TGetStrProc [THandle |p Classes:: Type to manage streams.] THandle [THelpContext |p Classes:: Range type to specify help contexts.] THelpContext [THelpEvent |p Classes:: Special event for display of online help. ] THelpEvent [THelpType |p Classes:: Enumeration type specifying the kind of help requested.] THelpType [TIdentMapEntry |p Classes:: Record used when associating names with integer values.] TIdentMapEntry [TIdentToInt |p Classes:: Callback for converting identifiers to integers.] TIdentToInt [TInitComponentHandler |p Classes:: Callback type for RegisterInitComponentHandler] TInitComponentHandler [TIntToIdent |p Classes:: Callback for converting integers to identifiers.] TIntToIdent [TListNotification |p Classes:: Kind of list notification event.] TListNotification [TListSortCompare |p Classes:: Callback type for the list sort algorithm.] TListSortCompare [TNotifyEvent |p Classes:: Standard event handler type. ] TNotifyEvent [TOperation |p Classes:: Operation of which a component is notified.] TOperation [TPersistentClass |p Classes:: Class reference type for TPersistent.] TPersistentClass [TPoint |p Classes:: Special type to handle a fake TComponent position] TPoint [TPointerList |p Classes:: Type for an Array of pointers.] TPointerList [TPropertyNotFoundEvent |p Classes:: Callback for the TReader.OnPropertyNotFound event.] TPropertyNotFoundEvent [TReadComponentsProc |p Classes:: Callback type when reading a component from a stream] TReadComponentsProc [TReaderError |p Classes:: Event handler type, called when an error occurs during the streaming.] TReaderError [TReaderProc |p Classes:: Reader procedure used by DefineProperties] TReaderProc [TReadWriteStringPropertyEvent |p Classes:: Callback for the TReader.OnReadStringProperty event handler] TReadWriteStringPropertyEvent [TRect |p Classes:: Descibes a rectangle] TRect [TReferenceNameEvent |p Classes:: Occurs when a named object needs to be looked up.] TReferenceNameEvent [TSeekOrigin |p Classes:: Specifies the origin of the TStream.Seek method.] TSeekOrigin [TSetMethodPropertyEvent |p Classes:: Callback for the TReader.OnSetMethodProperty event.] TSetMethodPropertyEvent [TSetNameEvent |p Classes:: Occurs when the reader needs to set a component's name.] TSetNameEvent [TShiftState |p Classes:: Indicates what special keys were pressed in combination with a normal key ] TShiftState [TShiftStateEnum |p Classes:: Keyboard/Mouse shift state enumerator] TShiftStateEnum [TShortCut |p Classes:: Enumeration type to identify shortcut key combinations.] TShortCut [TSmallPoint |p Classes:: Type to describe point in a small plane.] TSmallPoint [TStreamProc |p Classes:: Procedure type used in streaming.] TStreamProc [TStringItem |p Classes:: The TStringItem is used to store the string and object items in a TStringList string list instance. It should never be used directly. ] TStringItem [TStringItemList |p Classes:: Array of TStringItem records.] TStringItemList [TStringListSortCompare |p Classes:: Callback type used in stringlist compares.] TStringListSortCompare [TSynchronizeProcVar |p Classes:: Synchronize callback type] TSynchronizeProcVar [TThreadMethod |p Classes:: Procedure variable used when synchronizing threads.] TThreadMethod [TThreadPriority |p Classes:: Enumeration specifying the priority at which a thread runs.] TThreadPriority [TValueType |p Classes:: Enumerated type used to identify the kind of streamed property] TValueType [TWriteMethodPropertyEvent |p Classes:: Callback for the TWriter.OnWriteMethodProperty event.] TWriteMethodPropertyEvent [TWriterProc |p Classes:: Writer procedure used by DefineProperties] TWriterProc [EBitsError |g Classes:: Exception raised when an error occurs in a method of TBits. ] EBitsError [EClassNotFound |g Classes:: Exception raised when an unknown class is referenced in a streamed component. ] EClassNotFound [EComponentError |g Classes:: Exception raised when an error occurs in the component registration routines. ] EComponentError [EFCreateError |g Classes:: Exception raised when an error occurred during creation of a TFileStream stream. ] EFCreateError [EFilerError |g Classes:: Exception raised by the component streaming system if an error occurs. ] EFilerError [EFOpenError |g Classes:: Exception raised when an error occurred during creation of a TFileStream] EFOpenError [EInvalidImage |g Classes:: Exception raised when the resource header needed for streaming of a component is invalid. ] EInvalidImage [EInvalidOperation |g Classes:: Exception raised when an invalid operation is performed. Obsolete. ] EInvalidOperation [EListError |g Classes:: Exception raised when an error occurs in lists handling. ] EListError [EMethodNotFound |g Classes:: This exception is no longer used. ] EMethodNotFound [EOutOfResources |g Classes:: Exception raised when the system is out of resources. ] EOutOfResources [EParserError |g Classes:: Exception raised when an error occurs during the parsing of streams. ] EParserError [EReadError |g Classes:: Exception raised if an error occurs while reading from a stream. ] EReadError [EResNotFound |g Classes:: Exception raised when a resource, needed to initialize a component, is not found. ] EResNotFound [EStreamError |g Classes:: Exception raised when an error occurs during read or write operations on a stream. ] EStreamError [EStringListError |g Classes:: Exception raised when an error occurs in a method of TStrings. ] EStringListError [EThread |g Classes:: Thread error exception.] EThread [EThreadDestroyCalled |g Classes:: Exception raised when a thread is destroyed illegally.] EThreadDestroyCalled [EWriteError |g Classes:: Exception raised when an error occurs during writing to a stream. ] EWriteError [IStringsAdapter |g Classes:: IStringsAdapter Interface declaration.] IStringsAdapter [TAbstractObjectReader |g Classes:: Abstract driver class to read stored component data.] TAbstractObjectReader [TAbstractObjectWriter |g Classes:: Abstract driver class for writing component data.] TAbstractObjectWriter [TBasicAction |g Classes:: Abstract base class for all Actions.] TBasicAction [TBasicActionLink |g Classes:: Link between actions and action clients (e.g. controls)] TBasicActionLink [TBinaryObjectReader |g Classes:: Driver class descendent which reads component data stored in binary format.] TBinaryObjectReader [TBinaryObjectWriter |g Classes:: Driver class which stores component data in binary form.] TBinaryObjectWriter [TBits |g Classes:: Class to store collections of bits (binary values that can be 0 or 1)] TBits [TCollection |g Classes:: Base class to manage collections of named objects.] TCollection [TCollectionItem |g Classes:: Basic object that is managed by a TCollection class.] TCollectionItem [TComponent |g Classes:: Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.] TComponent [TCustomMemoryStream |g Classes:: Abstract stream that stores its data in memory.] TCustomMemoryStream [TDataModule |g Classes:: Container for non-visual components.] TDataModule [TFiler |g Classes:: Class responsible for streaming of components.] TFiler [TFileStream |g Classes:: Stream that stores its data in a named file on disk.] TFileStream [TFPList |g Classes:: Class to manage collections of pointers.] TFPList [THandleStream |g Classes:: Base clas for streams that are identified by an OS handle.] THandleStream [TList |g Classes:: Class to manage collections of pointers.] TList [TMemoryStream |g Classes:: Standard implementation of a stream that stores its data in memory] TMemoryStream [TOwnedCollection |g Classes:: TCollection descendent which maintains owner information.] TOwnedCollection [TOwnerStream |g Classes:: Stream which uses a second stream as a source] TOwnerStream [TParser |g Classes:: Class to parse the contents of a stream containing text data.] TParser [TPersistent |g Classes:: Base class for streaming system and persistent properties.] TPersistent [TReader |g Classes:: Generic reader object which reads component data from any given source.] TReader [TRecall |g Classes:: Helper class for storing published properties] TRecall [TResourceStream |g Classes:: Stream that reads its data from a resource object.] TResourceStream [TStream |g Classes:: Base class for streams.] TStream [TStringList |g Classes:: Standard implementation of the TStrings class.] TStringList [TStrings |g Classes:: Class to manage arrays or collections of strings] TStrings [TStringStream |g Classes:: Stream that stores its data in a string.] TStringStream [TTextObjectWriter |g Classes:: Driver class which stores component data in text format.] TTextObjectWriter [TThread |g Classes:: Abstract Thread class.] TThread [TThreadList |g Classes:: Thread-safe list object (not yet implemented).] TThreadList [TWriter |g Classes:: Object to write component data to an arbitrary format.] TWriter [ActivateClassGroup |b Classes:: Activates a class group (TPersistentClass)] ActivateClassGroup(º|) {? AClass: TPersistentClass} [BeginGlobalLoading |b Classes:: Not yet implemented] BeginGlobalLoading [BinToHex |b Classes:: Convert a binary buffer to a hexadecimal string] BinToHex(º|,,) {? BinValue: PChar; HexValue: PChar; BinBufSize: Integer} [Bounds |b Classes:: Returns a TRect structure with the bounding rect of the given location and size (TRect).] Bounds(º|,,,) {? ALeft: Integer; ATop: Integer; AWidth: Integer; AHeight: Integer} [CheckSynchronize |b Classes:: Check whether there are any synchronize calls in the synchronize queue.] CheckSynchronize(º|) {? timeout: LongInt} [ClassGroupOf |b Classes:: Returns the class group to which an instance or class belongs (TPersistentClass)] ClassGroupOf(º|) {? AClass: TPersistentClass|TPersistent} [CollectionsEqual |b Classes:: Returns True if two collections are equal (Boolean).] CollectionsEqual(º|,) {? C1: TCollection; C2: TCollection} [EndGlobalLoading |b Classes:: Not yet implemented.] EndGlobalLoading [FindClass |b Classes:: Returns the class pointer of a class with given name (TPersistentClass).] FindClass(º|) {? const AClassName: String} [FindGlobalComponent |b Classes:: Callback used when a component must be found (TComponent).] FindGlobalComponent(º|) {? const Name: String} [FindNestedComponent |b Classes:: Finds the component with name path starting at the indicated root component (TComponent).] FindNestedComponent(º|,) {? Root: TComponent; const NamePath: String} [GetClass |b Classes:: Returns the class pointer of a class with given name (TPersistentClass)] GetClass(º|) {? const AClassName: String} [GetFixupInstanceNames |b Classes:: Returns the names of elements that need to be resolved for the root component, whose reference contains ReferenceRootName] GetFixupInstanceNames(º|,,) {? Root: TComponent; const ReferenceRootName: String; Names: TStrings} [GetFixupReferenceNames |b Classes:: Returns the names of elements that need to be resolved for the root component.] GetFixupReferenceNames(º|,) {? Root: TComponent; Names: TStrings} [GlobalFixupReferences |b Classes:: Called to resolve unresolved references after forms are loaded.] GlobalFixupReferences [GroupDescendentsWith |b Classes:: Add class to the group of another class.] GroupDescendentsWith(º|,) {? AClass: TPersistentClass; AClassGroup: TPersistentClass} [HexToBin |b Classes:: Convert a hexadecimal string to a binary buffer (Integer)] HexToBin(º|,) {? HexValue: PChar; BinValue: PChar; BinBufSize: Integer} [IdentToInt |b Classes:: Looks up an integer value in a integer-to-identifier map list (Boolean).] IdentToInt(º|,) {? const Ident: String; var Int: LongInt; const Map: Array[] of TIdentMapEntry} [InitComponentRes |b Classes:: Provided for Delphi compatibility only (Boolean)] InitComponentRes(º|,) {? const ResName: String; Instance: TComponent} [InitInheritedComponent |b Classes:: Initializes a component descending from RootAncestor (Boolean)] InitInheritedComponent(º|,) {? Instance: TComponent; RootAncestor: TClass} [IntToIdent |b Classes:: Looks up an identifier for an integer value in a identifier-to-integer map list (Boolean).] IntToIdent(º|,,) {? Int: LongInt; var Ident: String; const Map: Array[] of TIdentMapEntry} [LineStart |b Classes:: Finds the start of a line in Buffer before BufPos (PChar).] LineStart(º|,) {? Buffer: PChar; BufPos: PChar} [NotifyGlobalLoading |b Classes:: Not yet implemented.] NotifyGlobalLoading [ObjectBinaryToText |b Classes:: Converts an object stream from a binary to a text format.] ObjectBinaryToText(º|,) {? Input: TStream; Output: TStream} [ObjectResourceToText |b Classes:: Converts an object stream from a (windows) resource to a text format.] ObjectResourceToText(º|,) {? Input: TStream; Output: TStream} [ObjectTextToBinary |b Classes:: Converts an object stream from a text to a binary format.] ObjectTextToBinary(º|,) {? Input: TStream; Output: TStream} [ObjectTextToResource |b Classes:: Converts an object stream from a text to a (windows) resource format.] ObjectTextToResource(º|,) {? Input: TStream; Output: TStream} [Point |b Classes:: Returns a TPoint record with the given coordinates (TPoint).] Point(º|,) {? AX: Integer; AY: Integer} [ReadComponentRes |b Classes:: Read component properties from a resource in the current module(TComponent)] ReadComponentRes(º|,) {? const ResName: String; Instance: TComponent} [ReadComponentResEx |b Classes:: Read component properties from a resource in the specified module (TComponent)] ReadComponentResEx(º|,) {? HInstance: THandle; const ResName: String} [ReadComponentResFile |b Classes:: Read component properties from a specified resource file (TComponent)] ReadComponentResFile(º|,) {? const FileName: String; Instance: TComponent} [Rect |b Classes:: Returns a TRect record with the given coordinates (TRect).] Rect(º|,,,) {? ALeft: Integer; ATop: Integer; ARight: Integer; ABottom: Integer} [RedirectFixupReferences |b Classes:: Redirects references under the root object from OldRootName to NewRootName] RedirectFixupReferences(º|,,) {? Root: TComponent; const OldRootName: String; const NewRootName: String} [RegisterClass |b Classes:: Registers a class with the streaming system.] RegisterClass(º|) {? AClass: TPersistentClass} [RegisterClassAlias |b Classes:: Registers a class alias with the streaming system.] RegisterClassAlias(º|,) {? AClass: TPersistentClass; const Alias: String} [RegisterClasses |b Classes:: Registers multiple classes with the streaming system.] RegisterClasses(º|) {? AClasses: Array[] of TPersistentClass} [RegisterComponents |b Classes:: Registers components for the component palette.] RegisterComponents(º|,) {? const Page: String; ComponentClasses: Array[] of TComponentClass} [RegisterFindGlobalComponentProc |b Classes:: Register a component searching handler] RegisterFindGlobalComponentProc(º|) {? AFindGlobalComponent: TFindGlobalComponent} [RegisterInitComponentHandler |b Classes:: Register a component initialization handler] RegisterInitComponentHandler(º|,) {? ComponentClass: TComponentClass; Handler: TInitComponentHandler} [RegisterIntegerConsts |b Classes:: Registers some integer-to-identifier mappings.] RegisterIntegerConsts(º|,,) {? IntegerType: Pointer; IdentToIntFn: TIdentToInt; IntToIdentFn: TIntToIdent} [RegisterNoIcon |b Classes:: Registers components that have no icon on the component palette.] RegisterNoIcon(º|) {? ComponentClasses: Array[] of TComponentClass} [RegisterNonActiveX |b Classes:: Register non-activex component.] RegisterNonActiveX(º|,) {? ComponentClasses: Array[] of TComponentClass; AxRegType: TActiveXRegType} [RemoveFixupReferences |b Classes:: Removes references to rootname from the fixup list.] RemoveFixupReferences(º|,) {? Root: TComponent; const RootName: String} [RemoveFixups |b Classes:: Removes Instance from the fixup list.] RemoveFixups(º|) {? Instance: TPersistent} [SmallPoint |b Classes:: Returns a TSmallPoint record with the given coordinates (TSmallPoint).] SmallPoint(º|,) {? AX: SmallInt; AY: SmallInt} [StartClassGroup |b Classes:: Start new class group.] StartClassGroup(º|) {? AClass: TPersistentClass} [UnRegisterClass |b Classes:: Unregisters a class from the streaming system.] UnRegisterClass(º|) {? AClass: TPersistentClass} [UnRegisterClasses |b Classes:: Unregisters multiple classes from the streaming system.] UnRegisterClasses(º|) {? AClasses: Array[] of TPersistentClass} [UnregisterFindGlobalComponentProc |b Classes:: Remove a previously registered component searching handler.] UnregisterFindGlobalComponentProc(º|) {? AFindGlobalComponent: TFindGlobalComponent} [UnRegisterModuleClasses |b Classes:: Unregisters classes registered by module.] UnRegisterModuleClasses(º|) {? Module: HModule} [WriteComponentResFile |b Classes:: Write component properties to a specified resource file] WriteComponentResFile(º|,) {? const FileName: String; Instance: TComponent} [AddDataModule |f Classes:: Handler called when a new TDataModule instance is created.] AddDataModule [ApplicationHandleException |f Classes:: Handler for exceptions when a TDataModule streaming error occurs.] ApplicationHandleException [ApplicationShowException |f Classes:: Unused.] ApplicationShowException [MainThreadID |f Classes:: ID of main thread. Unused at this point.] MainThreadID [RegisterComponentsProc |f Classes:: Callback procedure used when handling component registration.] RegisterComponentsProc [RegisterNoIconProc |f Classes:: Callback procedure used when handling iconless component registration.] RegisterNoIconProc [RemoveDataModule |f Classes:: Handler called when a TDataModule instance is freed.] RemoveDataModule [WakeMainThread |f Classes:: Handler which is called if a thread wants to synchronize with the main application thread.] WakeMainThread